Alex Stacenko

Founders at work - Curated collection of 150+ YC Startup Founders Stories


Jessica Livingston's book "Founders at work" (2007, 32 stories) inspired thousands of founders to start startup.

I find 150+ founders stories to inspire new wave of founders.

I hope, that saves 50-100 hours for 1000+ new founders.

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Alex Stacenko
(Dedicated to Jessica Livingston and Paul Graham) Jessica Livingston's book "Founders at work" (2007, 32 stories) inspired thousands of founders to start startup. I find 150+ founders stories to inspire new wave of founders. (+pitchdecs, demoday videos and applications). And finding every day more and more stories! (Sometimes I think that stories find me themselfs.) It was amazing journey, it change my mind, I rushed into unknnown unknowns, where angels fear to tread... and I want to share this with everyone. I hope, that saves 50-100 hours for 1000+ new founders. It is my "embarrassing MVP", I continue to work, and I need your feedback. (+everyone can contribute founder's story)
Ilia Semenov
@alexstacenko Great idea, Alex! Should be very useful founder resource in the future. Good luck with this journey!🙌
Alex Stacenko
@iliasemenov Thank you for your contribution and intresting story! There were so much energy after our talk!
Mary Kh
look forward to reading it! Congrats! 🤓
nice project
Anatoly Lobkov
Thanks, Alex. I have been reading the material that you regularly post for a long time. This is very useful and valuable information in one place
Watanabe Naoki
Great! I'd like to read non-american founders! (including VISA problems)