Hi! I'm Farhan, founder of Fotrack.
Fotrack is a simple, beautiful and easy to use Pomodoro. I myself had lots problems in concentrating on one thing. That's where we explored different methods for keeping us productive throughout the day. So far the results were pretty amazing using the Pomodoro technique.
My brother and I have been working on this project for a couple of months now. We've tried to keep it minimal and easy to use. In this first version, you will be able to change the time, colour, sound/vibration etc.
Let me know what you think. I'll be around to reply to all of your questions!
Hello fellow Hunters! Fotrack is a well designed Pomodoro timer. What makes Fotrack different is its user friendliness. You can set time, even change the theme with your own choice!
I would suggest that you add more context to the Google sign in. Since this is a Pomodoro timer, I am confused why my Google account is needed. I'd assume it is for a reason, but without providing that information I can't know.
@pburtchaell Hey, Patrick. Thanks for the feedback.
Our plan is to store the data and eventually add more features. Right now there are two features that we are integrating into the next version
1. Daily/monthly report
2. Team view (you can add teammates and share your progress within the team)
Your feedback is noted, We'll explain these points at login. Hope that'll fix the issue.
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Cloth Picker
Cloth Picker
Cloth Picker
Cloth Picker