Andrey Kovalev

User Flow by Flowmapp - A simple tool for creating User Flow Diagrams

User Flow Diagrams is a new and amazingly useful tool for planning better user experience on a website or application. Use it the early stage before product development. You’ll appreciate it.

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Andrey Severin
Hey, FlowMapp users. Great thanks to all of you and support of FlowMapp development. Today we release second major FlowMapp function on Product Hunt — User Flow! We would appreciate if you joined in on our page’s discussion, as you will have good insight on User Flow. Beta testers highly rated UF, so we hope to be in Product Hunt TOP again. To celebrate this launch, I'd like to offer you a special Product Hunt promo code: WELOVEPRODUCTHUNTERS for a 30% discount for every yearly subscription. Let me know what you think!
William Fanning

I wonder about the market size. I am sure you have done that research (and likely have more tools planned for the future).

But it seems like you have to make a lot of these maps in order to make the price worth it, and generally speaking this seems like a tool that is most important during big transitions to new projects. Just wondering how often existing businesses restructure/organize things. Just seems like they would need it in spurts.

But you would definitely disappear on the cash flow statements of most businesses (which I am sure is the idea). So hopefully its just a matter of getting them to sign up and like it (which they will).

As someone just starting out I would use this in week long increments every few months. I would probably sign up for one month then cancel when I am done.

I realize bootstrappers are not your target demo, but ironically your utility is probably greatest among this group, and collectively they can be a worthwhile revenue source while helping expand marketshare.

There is also some irony in that the companies who will make you profitable also probably have designers who make these already (yes, you can save their designers time, but will the designers seek you out seeing as you lessen their own utility ?, would their bosses if this is not an active pain point for them?).

Just getting waxing now :) Really great execution and great product.


Incredible UI/UX. Anyone who can use a computer can start using it for business purposes in seconds. Really well done.


None, as long as the base account stays free (9$ w/ no commitment is also fair).

Paul Mit
Hey William! Thanks for your feedback and these ideas. Web Design Services market is quite large: $26bn in US (* IBISWorld, «Web Design Services: Market Research Report»), and I guess more than $100bn globally. Everybody who creates websites and digital products is our target audience. Our clients right now — web freelancers, designers, UX architects and agencies, studios and companies with improved Web Development Departments. You right, the sales process starts with the designer's or developer's interest in the product and bringing it to teamwork tools. That is how it works. Thanks again, see you on our next feature release! Cheers, Paul
Hemant Jani
Product looks good, User flow made easy @severin
Andrey Severin
@techovarya thank you!
Perry J Lucas

I like the product, but it's limited without the ability to wireframe pages from right within the system so I didn't have to use yet another tool for that (maybe be able to link to pages in Balsamiq cloud?). Also, adding elements to the user flow wasn't immediately clear how to add those (had to mouse around for the + box to appear.)


Clean and easy to use interface


Needs wireframing, wouldn't load the project the first time

Paul Mit
Hi there! Thanks for your feedback! You right about wireframes, but our tool is about UX planning, rather than «UI» and «mockup» stage. Early planning before you doing mockups. For better understanding your fututre design.
Alexandr  Golovatyuk

It's all.


My first impression - nice product.


I want to give a specific correct answer, but I need a time.

Paul Mit
Alexandr, ok, we are always open to feedback, you can share your exeprience after using any communication channel.
Sasha Okunev

The product meets expectations


Easy to use, fast result


Minor improvements required

Paul Mit
Sasha, thanks!
Dan Brodovich

It looks very promising and should speed up the process of UX creation


Easy to use and very visual


Might not be flexible enough

Paul Mit
Hi Dan! Thanks for feedback.
Nicola Bonora

I used it to represent the three deliverables I usually produce for an information architecture:

- user flow

- site tree

- page elements

I think it perfectly fits with my needs at a high level; don't think it should add lot more features, e.g. wireframes, because there are tools doing that job specifically, and very well. Also, stop delivering wireframes and start prototyping in browser :)


Easy to use and fits with information architecture needs for communicating


Would appreciate a minimum/rough personalization of the documentation template, but not a big issue

Paul Mit
Nicola, you right! We don't want to add wireframes, cause this is not right direction on this stage of UX planning. But integration with these services and tools look promising for us. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Tarek Ayoub

Awesome take on the old and rusty Visio..Maybe grow it and sell it to Microsoft? Just a thought :D


Next Generation Visio :)


None at the mo

Paul Mit
Tarek, that is interesting idea, thanks!
Jakub Juszczak
I can not signup because I have a + sign in my email and it keeps telling me that I should enter a valid email.
Motion Brew
Really really helpful.
Surya Narayanan
I have always used mindmaps to do this. Now I see why I should not have :). Great product. Excellent UI. If you insert some ML magic and recommend stuff based on what is being written, that would be a great help!
David Rigbye
Will you be adding any templates fro User Flows? I noticed there are templates for the other categories. Loving it so far!
Fleming Farrow
I have been looking for a a product like this!!