Hey Product Hunt 👋
Thanks @denic for hunting this product.
I've been using Tailwind CSS a lot in my projects and although the documentation is great sometimes I feel like it would be better if I could see all of the class names in a single place.
That's why I decided to build this free cheat sheet tool based on a fork from tailwindcomponents's open source repository and inspired by Nerdcave's original cheat sheet.
I used React.js, Tailwind CSS, and Flowbite to build this project and the classes are all up to date with the latest stable version of Tailwind v2.2. As soon as v3.0 is launched I'll add the JIT classes and variants as well.
It's really shameful to take someone else's work, which is not under an open-source license such as Apache or MIT, and use it in your own commercial project, then promote it on a site like ProductHunt when it's not your own.
This concept was conceived by Nerdcave, and was originally done here: https://nerdcave.com/tailwind-ch...
This is easily verifiable on the way back machine:
The layout for your site is the same, and you even use the data files from nerdcave's site on your own.
I know this won't stop you from promoting your rip-off project on ProductHunt, but hopefully at least some people see what you've done and second guess if they want to work with someone of your level of integrity at Themesberg.
@salvatochris Hey Chris,
Thanks for pointing out this issue.
The codebase that I used as a reference is from this open-source repository: https://github.com/tailwindcompo....
Which is, in fact, licensed under the MIT license.
PS: I've contacted @nerdcave and if he wants to, we will take down our version of the cheat sheet and 301 redirect it to nerdcave.com
PS 2: until further notice I've sent a link to the Github repo and Nerdcave's original version in the main description.
Awesome overview of all Tailwind classes. I see how it can be useful when I know what I want, but the actual class name won't come to my mind: no need for the official documentation, explanations, just the class names.
Super functional, great job 👏
Intuitive and very user-friendly! Congrats for the launch! Maybe a simple on hover on classes or click will do the "copy function", so people can easily use CMD/CTRL + V in their code after that.
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