@ryangum That's great to hear! Thanks for your support. btw: we're launching a major product update soon, just so you know. Planning to announce exclusively on PH ;-)
@_jacksmith Hey Jack, I know you're a big fan of DocSend and they've got a great product.
DocSend is for all business documents across a wide range of use cases. Flow aims to focus on the sales use case only. e.g. Sales reps who send a high number of presentations.
The two products might be fairly similar at the moment but should take different paths as we continue to develop sales focused features.
@_jacksmith Ultimately the roadmap will be determined by how the customers respond to Flow.
But to answer your question from a different perspective, we see clearslide as an enterprise focused (and priced) product. We'll aim for the SMB market with a freemium model to match.
It's definitely a great product too but a little heavier than what we do.
@ryangum how will the freemium part work? I do agree that it's pretty expensive. but the team found it invaluable. and this is a startup sales team, not enterprise btw
@_jacksmith We're still testing out some ideas but will likely be a monthly cap on files, and then added features like additional customization, team analytics, etc... I'd love to know, did they use the live presentation feature the most or the email pitch feature?
Hey @acondurache,
1. doesn't integrate with slideshare, I know they have some analytics but I believe it's just sharing stats.
2. No, just take your existing ones and drop them in Flow in exchange for a unique link. Right now we accept PPT, PDF, and DOC files. We wanted to impact your workflow as little as possible. Our goal is to make you more productive & effective, not slow you down by learning how to create presentations again.
@ryangum I'd be interested to see this integrate with Google Slides and Keynote also - as a Mac user, most of my presentations live in one of those formats.
@natedesmond They're indirectly supported at the moment through export to PDF, but we are looking into it Nate. Will let you know if we ever hook them up.
Hi @jonsteinberg ClearSlide is great product but a little heaver than what we do. We just focus on the emailing and tracking of your presentations, not live presentations.
Also, we see clearslide as an enterprise focused (and priced) product. We'll aim for the SMB market with a freemium model to match.