"Flock builds wireless cameras that can be used to protect neighborhoods. The company has developed an outdoor camera that can track cars and record license plates. It can provide data to local police officers when crimes occur, but it can also proactively notify them when a stolen vehicle enters a neighborhood. The company has already solved its first crime and is being used by multiple neighborhoods, but believes it is targeting a $1.5 billion market opportunity in protecting local municipalities."
I love this - NextDoor turned into a vigilante group after a few car robberies, and this would have been a welcome replacement to the random, low quality cameras that popped up around the neighborhood.
@robert_melkonyan We are currently only live in the Atlanta and surrounding areas, so we are already selling it. Plans to support neighborhoods across the US in the proceeding months.
Thanks for the Upvote!
@glangley why only the USA? Australia would also be a great market. Currently they use facebook groups for each suburbs in a similar way. But this would work way better. Not only is it more automatic, but multiple suburbs would also be in the mix. Some councils in Australia also offer up to $1000 grants per security system or so. So councils could effectively pay for this.
@evancmorris our pricing is based on the number of homes and layout of the neighborhood. generally speaking it works out to only be $35 - $50 / home / year. a pretty good deal we think :)
Congrats on the launch @glangley.
Is Flock targeting gated communities or who are your end users? The website refers to "neighborhood" but it's not clear to me if Flock is being purchased by individual or groups of people who share the access/benefits.
@madebysan we largely target Home Owners Associations and Neighborhood Associations. Generally speaking, only 1% of these groups are in a gated community, so while we are happy to support them, its a pretty small market.
Why just neighbourhoods? We have multiple building sites requiring surveillance for theft and illegal dumping of waste materials - this is something we could use in construction 😀
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Flock Safety