Log movies and tv shows
Mayank Jani

FlickFocus — Log movies and tv shows

FlickFocus simplifies tracking movies and TV shows that you have watched or want to watch. Logging, lists, watchlists, and stats will help build your library. Follow your friends and see what they like to get inspired.
Mayank Jani
Hello PH community! I'm Mayank, the creator of FlickFocus. It helps you log movies and TV shows. I launched FlickFocus last year, and since then I have received lots of feedback. After many updates and improvements, I’m very excited to share the next version! With FlickFocus you can: Track both movies and tv shows Log and keep track of the movies you have watched. Watchlist the ones you want to watch. Beautiful stats on your profile page After you rate movies, your profile page will be populated with interesting stats like top-rated directors, actors, and more! Host your own awards for the best movies every year Create your personal award list for the best movies and TV shows every year in 18 categories. Recommendations Get movie recommendations from users with similar ratings as yours. Follow your friends Keep track of movies that your friends are watching and read their reviews. Follow Celebs Keep track of new and upcoming movies by your favourite actors and directors. Import your data Import your ratings from IMDb and Letterboxd so you don't have to rate movies again. Have fun with FlickFocus, and I hope you find it useful! Let me know how it can improve. Thank you! Mayank Creator of FlickFocus
Rami - Browsingbuddies.com
This is actually pretty unique. I forget what movies I've watched in the past until I'm halfway through them then I remember "Oh yeah, I saw this before" and quit watching.
Congrats team FlickFocus on the launch!
Ghost Kitty
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Shahmir Faisal
Congrats on the launch Mayank. Good luck with it
Magna Ding
Amazing product, great launch!