Workplace wellness is an important topic, now that it's becoming clear that "sitting is the new smoking." Having subtle (or not so subtle) reminders to stretch with instructions seems like an amazing benefit to offer employees--or to kick your own butt into gear!
Beautiful! I try to find some mindfulness moments through out the day, next to my desk and I would LOVE a sidekick that'll help.
It would be interesting to see this integrate with something like Apple Health, so that it has more context to act upon.
Thanks for hunting our brand new bot, @sinned!
flexbot is your personal wellness bot for Slack. It creates healthy habits by delivering contextual, timely reminders within slack. The reminders include physical therapy stretches, meditations, breathing techniques, restorative yoga and of course water reminders.
The bot also checks in with you through the day about sleep, stress, body pains etc and suggests corrective actions.
In addition to the reminders, the bot also has on demand content available through slash commands on Slack - /meditate, /yoga, /stretch
Give it a spin, we have about 150 teams on it in private beta and we are opening the private beta to producthunters today!
@iamclovin thanks for checking it out. we have rolled out some cool new features esp "wellness checkins" , check em out . you might have to reauth because we added a bunch of slash commands