Rik Schennink

Gumroad Sales Widget for iOS - Your recent sales right on your homescreen


This Sales Widget for ScriptableApp displays your recent Gumroad sales right on your homescreen.
πŸ’Έ Total income
πŸ“¦ Total sales
πŸ“ˆ Daily income
πŸ“Š Daily sales + recurring sales
πŸ”’ Only communicates with Gumroad
πŸ”„ Last update time
πŸŒ“ Bright and Dark theme

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Rik Schennink
I sell my products using Gumroad and found myself constantly checking my email for sales notifications, refreshing gumroad.com analytics, and the IFTT Gumroad Sale notifications I set up were starting to Pavlov me 🐦 Time for some change. I heard of ScriptableApp and how it allows you to build iOS apps with JavaScript. I know my way around JavaScript and the Gumroad API so for the past couple nights I built this sales widget which shows a tiny sales chart on your homescreen. I can just quickly glance at it when I use my phone for something else so should be less intrusive :) Cheers! 😊
Looks v cool! Looking fwd to android ;)
Rik Schennink
@petecodes Thanks Pete ❀️
Álvaro Trigo  🐦πŸ”₯
Great job Rik! Looking nice!! Definitely a nice widget to have!
Rik Schennink
@imac2 Thanks! πŸ™
Elizabeth Alli
Oh nice!! I really love seeing my stats right there! Thanks for this