@bentossell hey Ben,
Filament Pro seems really great and i want to tell you about Postrank.com which is acquired by Google in 2011. http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/03...
I was really a fan of Postrank and i hope Filament can success more than Postrank. :)
ps: ph@Filament.io does not respond.
@bentossell Thanks for hunting us, Ben! =) It's kind of a long story, (I just posted the full story here: http://filament.io/blog/blogs-ca...), but in short, we've always wanted to make the whole web better with our products. After we built Flare, the social sharing bar, we realized that although we're providing value by building tools that help folks get their content shared, for example, if we could teach people how to create better content in the first place, it'd have a far greater beneficial impact on the web overall!
We've always personally struggled with getting clear, actionable insights from our own analytics, and so we decided to try solving our own problem, and figuring out how to clearly and quickly communicate what's actually happening on our blog.
If anyone has any questions about our approach, or even analytics in general, hit me up here, I'd love to hear from you!
I've been using them for about a year now for 5 different website I run - it is honestly the easiest (and best) solution out there. I love products that just work :)
I've actually been trying this out for one of our Agency's customers, as he told us this tool would help us make better sense of what is going on, and I'm seeing a lot of potential.
The best part is that I got in touch with the people behind this, and they're very responsive to feedback, so most probably this will all shape up to be a great tool.
It helps uncover some pretty sweet metrics that you'd spend some hours getting from a google analytics-like software (you know: analytics or piwik)
So obviously my choice is to up-vote this and hopefully more people will share stories of how they use this and how this helps them out in their daily activities.
These are the content metrics everyone knows they should be analyzing on an on-going basis, but it doesn't always get done. Identifying the influencers and topic areas is particularly critical -- and GA isn't going to do that for you without your good friend mr. excel. Starts at $9/month for sites with less than 10k traffic/month. Now I need to find a blog to manage.
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