Alex Borisenko

Fiction - Track your reading lists - set goals, read more, take notes

Track your reading progress, set goals, and take control of your TBR pile. Built-in smart notes let you easily remember what you've read and are automatically organized by book and chapter. Learn your reading speed and stay on track with challenges and goals.

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Danah Makow
Hey Alex, first, congrats on your launch! I've become an avid reader over the past few years so Fiction caught my eye. I downloaded the app to check it out but also because I didn't understand how the reading tracker works. When I was prompted to open a book I thought that I would be able to read the book on the app - but quickly realized that's not the case. I use Goodreads as well as the Libby app (public library) several times a week. I'm wondering how Fiction would fit in - do you think it would be a replacement for Goodreads?
Alex Borisenko
Hi Danah, thanks for checking out Fiction! First - that's a very valuable feedback about your first impression, would definitely need to address that. To answer your question, our app is indeed somewhat similar to Goodreads, but with a focus on tracking and organizing your reading journey, like a fitness tracker or Duolingo for reading. We will be working on introducing book discovery in the future, but it will definitely be far superior to any other book discovery tool, as the focus will be on recommending what you'll REALLY love based on your reading patterns and those of the people you will choose to connect with. We haven't started working on it yet, as we're focused on nailing down the tracker part, but our approach would be all about transparency and data protection. As of now, you can easily incorporate Fiction into your existing reading routine. The Daily Goal feature is designed to help you establish a consistent reading habit. The Books section is for keeping your TBR list organized and helping you keep track of your progress. You can plan when to read each book, get estimates of how much time it will take to finish, and track your reading stats over the course of weeks and months. As you read, you can take notes, which will be organized by book and chapter, which you can easily transfer elsewhere. Hope this covers your question! And thanks again for joining the conversation.
Danah Makow
@alexbor_ thanks so much for the thoughtful response. I love that when you focus on recommendations they'll be based on things I really love. I'll often get recommendations from Goodreads for books I've already marked as read! As for the daily goal feature, I can see this being really great for people who are trying to get into reading and need help with some gamification.
Alex Borisenko
@danahm yep, from Apple's Activity rings to Zero's fasting progress, circles (a.k.a daily goals) do magic for our brains. :) By setting a daily goal, you create a sense of urgency and focus, which can help build momentum and in the long run form a solid habit. That's our hope at least.
Janusz Mirowski
This is smart! Love to read more!
Alex Borisenko
@janusz_mirowski thanks! I hope you'll be one of the first to join our community!
Alex Borisenko
Hey Product Hunt! I'm thrilled to share Fiction with you today. Fiction is a book and reading tracker app which is straightforward and simple, designed to track books and build a reading habit. I tried lots of apps in this category and none of them seemed to have been made with the primary focus on reading itself.

 My anxiety grew over time, one thought led to another, and finally, I decided to build one together with my friend and collaborator Vlad. Our goal was to create a tool that would become a true reading companion and would simply help track reading, books, and occasionally nudge and motivate users into reading consistently. What sets Fiction apart is its simplicity. We've focused on the essentials for tracking reading progress, setting goals, and organizing your TBR list. Most importantly, the app is designed to motivate you to log your reading every day. I can't wait to hear your thoughts! If you're a fellow book lover, I think you'll really enjoy using Fiction. We're always looking for ways to improve, so feel free to share your feedback. Thank you for checking out Fiction and happy reading! 📚
Ahmad Ali
Congratulations on the launch. Great Idea!
Alex Borisenko
Thanks so much for your support! 🎉
Christopher Ries
Fellow reader here! Awesome app to help book lovers to more easy track and analyze reading patterns. Would be cool to have a recommendation feature for people with similar reading profiles.
Alex Borisenko
Thanks, Christopher! We totally hear you on the recommendation feature. Right now, we're focusing on nailing the essentials and making sure our reading tracker is top-notch, but that's definitely on the roadmap. Stay tuned! 📚
Nina Baghdasaryan
Really needed something like this for a year! 😮‍💨
Alex Borisenko
Ha! That's at least how much time I spent testing the ones that were out there. I hope that in a year's time, you will forget this was ever an issue. 🤞
Zlata Girenko
Amazing! Very useful product for students and those who have problems with motivation
Alex Borisenko
Thanks Zlata! You are so on point! The use case for students was especially important for us. Imagine knowing how much time you have to spend each day reading those textbooks to finish them before the next exam. 🙂
Vahe Khumaryan
Great design, very seamless, minimalistic, fast. Good job, Alex! I hope you won't join the long list of people discriminating us - Android OS users - and will bring this beautiful one to my device sometime soon too.
Hasan Diwan
Droid or webapp?