Congrats, Fernando! I just checked it out. I love the minimalist interface and how easy it is to use. My only suggestion is to include a bit of explanation (guidance) how it works. For example, I wasn't quite sure who I'd get a feedback from and where my form will be posted. The first version looks very promising though.
Hi Product Hunt! 👋
I spent the last months investigating the art of feedback. I wanted to know what the best feedback had in common. What made them useful.
With my learnings, I've built FeedSpark. It uses the best feedback practices so that people start giving and receiving feedback more often.
💡 Why FeedSpark
Every time I received a performance review at my day job, I felt invigorated to create something that could enhance the experience.
After conducting many user interviews, I discovered I was not the only one who felt like that.
- "I don't give my boss feedback because it won't change anything"
- "My team doesn't give me honest feedback"
- "Some unsolicited feedback I get is not useful"
- "My boss doesn't know how to give feedback to me"
The intent was there: to encourage or change certain behaviors. My bet was the problem lied in the format - lack of evidence, focus on judgments, and heuristics at play - that cause people either to ignore or become defensive to the feedback given.
🤔 How does it work?
It’s super simple:
1. Ask someone for feedback
2. We'll send them an email
3. They provide feedback following a template
4. Get your feedback in your email
No personal data will be saved on our end. Everything works via emails and URL params. There are no cookies or databases. 🔒