Feather is a customer intelligence platform that aims to unobtrusively work with both your team & your customers.
Business software is historically very clunky and remains unchanged for years, so we’ve designed Feather with the intention of having absolutely zero frills and no unneeded clunkiness.
Customer intelligence is extremely important & also very hard to get right. It also usually relies on your customers filling out a lengthy survey that they will either skip over and not do at all or have a strong bias.
Feather allows you to quickly gather customer feedback and we’ve been thorough in our design process to ensure that that you & your team won’t be inconvenienced by using it and that it will empower your workflow.
All you have to do is enter your customer’s email addresses into Feather and Feather will prompt them for a quick out-of-5 rating so that they can leave useful lightweight feedback with just a click, that rating is then updated on your dashboard and we also send any additional comments they leave directly to you.
Prior to launching, the Feather team has made sure to highly polish every single mechanism within Feather so that we can ensure that your experience within Feather is as simple as possible. If you still think there are improvements to be made, get in touch, we’ll always happy to listen.
We hope that you decide to give Feather a try.
The first 3 days are completely free, so feel free to try us out.
Actionable feedback without any burden.
We're on Medium: http://blog.feather-cfm.com/
You can reach us on:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/feathercfm
Email: hello@feather-cfm.com
@gregjwww Greg, I'm glad feather is not measuring me right now but... How, what do you mean by intelligence? I was thinking about a hyper segmentation to be able to predict big date later, but no, sorry, can you please tell me slowly?
@mariana_salcido Hi Mariana, not quite sure what you mean by measuring you, we're not spying on you 😅 Feather is a tool for creators/businesses to gather quick & useful feedback.
Customer intelligence is the act of knowing more about how your customers feel. Knowing if your customers are happy or disappointed in your product will help you make better informed business decisions.
Feather gathers feedback by prompting your customers with an out-of-5 rating (coupled with an optional additional comments field) and then forwards that feedback your way.
I hope they clears a few things up! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask 😄
@gregjwww I know, I was kidding on that. But on my experience the opinion will not be accurate because he may be feeling bad for other situations. That is why I was wondering if Feather was going to compare a "constant" of "happy" behavior or the opposite to be able to predict later on. Thanks for answering! My website is not even ready I would love to try it!
@mariana_salcido Well our aim is to make sure that bias goes away! Typical customer feedback relies on lengthy surveys that will frustrate the customer, Feather relies on a 5-star system which will only take a few seconds and just a single click.