The world's most repairable phone
Pierre Bresson

Fairphone 3 — The phone that cares for people and the planet

Fairphone 3, a phone for everyone who cares about how their products are made. It’s got everything you’d expect from a great phone — and so much more. It improves the conditions of the people who make it and uses materials that are better for the planet.
Aaron O'Leary
I actually love the look of this phone. It's kind of a nice break from Apple and their copycats, sorry I mean competitors 😅
James Berry
@aaronoleary I am actually so triggered 😂
Aaron O'Leary
@jlalmes Hahahaha I'm sorry I just had to do it 😂
I love the initiative, I just wish it had better specs; this weak Snapdragon is a no-deal for me. The ethical design is something that could make me switch from Apple otherwise…
Paroma Indilo
wonderful idea - happy to forgo the top specs for something that is more considerate to the environment
Suraj Pabba
Love the modular ability of this phone, immediately reduces barrier to entry for anyone worried about their phone breaking and not having a flagship store to repair.
Faisal Alsheridah
which operating system does this phone supports?