Michelle Morrison

Facebook Design - Devices - Images and Sketch files of popular devices.


Facebook supports a diverse audience around the world and an equally diverse set of devices. To emphasize that in our design mocks, we redrew a range of devices to show the global diversity of the people using our products. Each device comes with a bitmap of the device (with and without shadows) and the original Sketch file for that device.

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Reony T
What's up with the last screenshot, Shift?
Bruce Kraft Jr.
@megaroeny LOL right?
Reony T
@thomgroutars no, I just think it was an accident right?
Thomas Groutars
@megaroeny oh ok, thought for a minute someone at facebook liked it enough to think it deserved to be considered a device 🙈
Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @skirano, @trevorphillippi, @pelleew, Please tell us more about what you've built and how it will be used.
Edward Vasquez
Very good help for designers
Phuc Nguyen
wooo! great app