Rinat Khanov

Face Mesh in AR MeasureKit - Got your iPhone X? Check out the power of TrueDepth camera

By popular request, you can now use MeasureKit’s Face Mesh tool to scan and export your face into a 3D model on the iPhone X�. For example, so you can make a physical mask of your face using a 3D printer.

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Lisa Dziuba
Hey! It looks cool, but what is the practical use-cases?
Rinat Khanov
@lisadziuba Hey Lisa, thanks! At this moment, this tool is included mainly for enternainment & educational purposes but we are considering ways to make it more useful. I can't yet promise anything specific, but for example, many of our users are already asking for an export feature of 3D model of their face.
Rinat Khanov
We've added a new tool called Face Mesh for front-facing AR camera on the new iPhone X. This feature allows you to see your face mesh (the same data which Apple uses for Face ID) and check different attributes of your face, such as facial muscle movement. Here's a funny video demo https://twitter.com/MeasureKit/s... Face Mesh tool is now available in the latest version of MeasureKit app on the App Store. It's a free feature for all users with the iPhone X.
Richie Bonilla
@rinatkhanov Pretty cool for educational purposes, the demo was fun. It is worth mentioning that this is not the "same data Apple uses for Face ID". Third-party apps only have access to the front-facing camera which now has 3D depth mapping. However, even the OS itself cannot access the data collected by all sensors for use in biometric authentication. This is an important distinction to make since we wouldn't want people leaving their phones unlocked due to privacy concerns around the availability of their biometric data. Thanks for sharing your project :)
Matthijs Otterloo
This is really cool! Love the idea, and great to see what the hardware Apple is using is capable off. Great work!
Timmu Tõke
How precise is the mesh itself? Do you recognize the person when looking at it? Does it look much different for different people?
Russ d'Sa
@timmutoke it's a coarse mesh. Without a texture, you probably wouldn't recognize the person out of a lineup.
Anton Heestand
If anyone is interested the uv map I've reverse engineered the mesh: https://twitter.com/anton_hexago...