Chris Messina

Everyday 2.0 - Simple & beautiful habit tracker for the Web, iOS & Android

Top Hunter

"Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part".
Everyday helps you break goals down into tasks we can execute on every day, colouring our beautiful board whilst forming new habits, ultimately reaching our goals.

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Joan Boixadós
👋 Hello ProductHunters! Thank you 🙏 @chrismessina for hunting! Everyday 2.021 is here to welcome the most awaited year and to show the progress I've done on Everyday since I first launched it on PH ( when it got quite some love from you! (Nominated to App of the Year 2018 in the Kitty Awards :D). Back then it encouraged me to quit freelancing and start working on it full time turning it into an indie business. Since then, and by working on it every day ;D, it has grown to almost 10k MRR (despite my inaptitude with marketing :P)! One of the highlights of the year has been having Everyday as Apple's App of The Day on June 4th! I started Everyday as a personal growth challenge to prove myself that I could build a meaningful micro business helping thousands become better versions of themselves. There is still a long way to go and work to be done, but I am very happy to be here on PH welcoming 2021 and appreciating that my efforts have been meaningful to many and that we must look at any changes as new opportunities for growth. My current streak of working on everyday is of 🎉 887 days ( and my longest streak is 🔥 1139 for doing 💪 50 push-ups before going to sleep (! What are you going to do every day on 2021? PROMO 10% OFF: By signing up through this link you'll get a 10% discount to start 2021 making sure those New Year Resolutions are still there past January ;) 🔍 About "Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part." is a simple and beautiful habit tracker available on the 🌐 Web, 📱 iOS and 📱 Android, 💻 macOS and 🥁🥁🥁🥁... ⌚ watchOS! It also comes with web extensions to set it as the default new tab for Firefox, Chrome and Edge. It helps you form new habits by doing a little bit every day, no matter how little. 🆕 What's new on v2.021? 💻 macOS app: One of the most demanded things was to have a desktop version of the app to have our tracker always ready while on our computers. Desktop's wider screens allow for greater overviews. Full real-time synchronization with all other available devices! ⌚ watchOS app: The key to habit tracking is to always have habits top of mind and easily tick them off. The app for Apple Watch is just perfect to cover this need, it's not a surprise that so many nutrition or fitness trackers are available for these awesome watches on steroids! Fully synchronized. Every day, everywhere :) 📱 iOS14 Widgets: iOS Widgets allow us to view our beautiful board on our main screens and to easily read and be aware of what we set ourselves to do. It allows to highly customize your screens which works perectly with Everyday's idea of making your board beautiful for that extra bit of motivation. 🌐 15 languages: The app is now available in 15 languages (including arabic's Right To Left!) and I'm always looking to add more. Not everyone had the chance to learn english and I don't want that to be a barrier in their personal growth. 🖥️ Optimized web extensions + Edge: Web extensions allow you to set Everyday as your browser's default new tab. This was the most impactful feature early on and it needed a performance rewrite as well as making it work in new browsers. 📖 Updated learn section: The essence behind the produuct. The biggest challenge is bringing concepts from the science of habits into the application for people to learn and take advantage of them. Many are embedded into the app's designs and decisions but providing content and tips on how to better form habits and master our behaviours and mindsets is invaluable. The app comes with a nice introduction in the oboarding and a full section of original and curated content for learning more on the science of habits. Also, remember you can share individual habits, for example look how I did in my read every day challenge for 2020... ... bad end of year! It will help me reflect on it :) ❓Feedback I wouldn't have gotten here without the feedback you've all been providing me so.. What else would you like to see? Shoot me an email at :) 📖 Story In early 2017, I was tired of scratching the same tasks off my daily todolist day after day. It was super frustrating to keep scratching 🏋️‍♂️ “go to the gym” or 🍏 “eat a fruit” no matter how many times I did it. There was no visualization of progress. Before I even thought about working on it, I had doodled the design of what would become the first version of One month later, the first working prototype was ready. After sharing it for free on reddit’s r/GetDisciplined it blew up to the frontpage with more than a thousand signups and over hundred daily users. As someone who had never made $1 for any of his little productivity apps and influenced by the bootstrapping stories on HackerNews I gave it a try. More than 30% of the users back then paid. That really changed my mindset. For months, it was the sideproject I never had enough time to work on. Thankfully, the app itself helped me form the habit to keep working on it every day, even if it was just 10 minutes when work kept me busy. Finally, in October 2018, I took the plunge, quit freelancing and started working full-time on it taking it to where it is now: 🚀 A minimal, beautiful habit tracker that’s both on the web and on mobile helping thousands become better selves by doing a little bit every day! You can read my 2017 IndieHackers interview here for more details: [ 💰 Revenue The ultimate goal in my business model is to be able to afford offering much more for free so that many more people can enjoy the benefits of habit tracking. As a bootstrapped indie business, I keep pushing into this direction slowly but steady. This has allowed many more users to use the app for free for a long period 😄, which ultimately has led to more people subscribing for the premium features 😊. In the last quarter it's been pretty close to $10k MRR so maybe this is a good milestone to break at the beginning of this new 2021! 👨🏻‍💻 Next steps There is so much room for improvement and so many untapped opportunities that it's hard to keep focused. Fortunately, I know of an app that helps me on that ;D In the last months I've been working on making the app available on more devices and platforms. Product wise, I'll keep focusing on minimalism, simplicity and beauty, to get as many people as possible to enjoy the benefits of tracking their habits without them feeling like it's an extra job. Business-wise, I'm at that point where I realize I need extra hands if I want to accomplish my vision, so if you think you could bring value and help me grow this project, feel free to shoot me an email at! 🛠 Maker community As someone who enjoys product, code and business in equal proportions I struggled to find my path until I came across the idea of indie makers. It's been a very enriching adventure so far and it's got me to meet a lot of awesome people. I like to feel I contributed to the movement with my awesome-indie github repo ( and by organizing the IndieHackers Barcelona Meetup! Keep building every day! 🚀🚀🚀 Feel free to get in touch with me at for any feedback! I ❤️ feedback! Joan
Marouf Khan
@chrismessina @everyday @mezood Great product and i love your story and how you got here. Well done and good luck with it
Rob Chapman
@mezood I'm going to be honest - I'm unfortunately not going to be using Everyday (I always fall off the wagon with habit trackers) BUT I really really love the copy here! I wish more makers would share their stories and passion to the level that you have; it was a really fantastic read and brightened my day. Also the UX is *chef's kiss* muahhh
Joan Boixadós
@mezood @rob_chap Thanks Rob! Writing definitely helps putting ideas in order and having to do it myself has taught me to appreciate copywriters much more!
dave radparvar
@chrismessina @everyday @mezood congrats on all the success! awesome to watch this beautiful app continue to blossom. keep rocking it Joan -- you are an inspiration!
Sachin Tiwari
Great App @mezood!! Just installed!! Congrats on the launch!
Joan Boixadós
@isachintiwari I hope it helps :)
V Keerthi Vikram
A really wonderful Habit Tracking app. I have been using it for half a year now and it has helped improve consistency in my habits. A must-try.
Joan Boixadós
@vicksu Super happy to read that :)) I hope I can keep improving it in 2021 so that we keep working on our goals a little bit, every day :)
Vladimír Seman
not a better time when to launch habit app :-)
Joan Boixadós
@vladojsem hehe I'll make @chrismessina responsible for this coincidence ;D Best time to try it ouut and see if it works for you :)
Tomas Laurinavicius
Great timing for anyone looking to build and maintain new habits in 2021. 👏🚀
Joan Boixadós
@tomaslau Thanks Tomas! Specially meaningful coming from someone who has created so much awesome content on habit formation and the growth mindset :)
Joan Cardona
Awesome app! It has helped me to stay focus on my goals - even in 2020!
Joan Boixadós
@nyeeu Yeah, 2020 was specially challenginng for focus and mental health, but I've heard there is a very useful app for the latter --> ;D
Kersten Broich
Congratulations on the release.
Looks, nice, google/ FB logins would be very nice.
Joan Boixadós
@stefano_marchetti Definitely! Will bummp them up the roadmap :)
That's actually a great idea and it looks super cool, thanks for making it man
Joan Boixadós
@frizurd Thank you! :)
Daniel Hunter
Looks awesome! Taking it for a spin today.
Joan Boixadós
@danielkhunter Feel free to shoot me feedback anytime!
Leslie Kennedy
Been using this for 2-3 years and it's one of the stickiest tools I use. So simple. Kudos for winning PH today @mezood. 100% deserved.
Joan Boixadós
@marceglon hehe thanks Marc! I hope it has been helping you all these years!
Raj Mahal
Would be cool if you could use this with friends to keep each other accountable (maybe as a premium feature)
Joan Boixadós
@parag_r Top suggestion! I've been meaning to approach this for a while, I even have designed it, but it is quite a daunting amount of work to get it right and I thought I should prioritize polishing the product first! I hope I can get there though! Feel free to shoot me an email at (joan at if you have any specific ideas of how would you expect it to work or any use cases!
Brian Kim
Great app just upgraded to the paid version. Are android widgets coming anytime soon?
Joan Boixadós
@briankim1 They are very high on the roadmap the problem is that I haven't messed with Java for quite a while and I want to make some bandwith before I fight that fight :P Can't promise anything but I know how important it is for Android users :)
Daryll Wong
I like how you incorporated the different colours to represent the diff habits. Oddly satisfying! Great compatibility across diff devices too.
Joan Boixadós
@daryllman Thank you! Still a lot of work to be done on the colour side!
Ishwar Jha
At first glance looks a neat work. All the best. I will give it a try soon...
Summer Parks
Impressive product.
Vishal Srivastava
Was doing it in Excel so far but that's really boring. This habit tracker is cool. Thank you @mezood
Joan Boixadós
@mezood @vishal_srivastava3 Hehe thank you! we need to get a little compensation for our tracking efforts :) I hope it helps!
Simo Elalj
Well excuted idea! Is there any plan to have a social aspect of it. Like accountability with some buddies or being able to share the progress/goals with some friends?
Joan Boixadós
@simoelalj Thank you Simo! Definitely planning to approach it, just want to build a better foundation first and make sure the product has the quality to help us grow! Feel free to shoot me any specific feedback on how you envision the social aspect at :)
Eric Friedman
This is great checking it out!
Joan Boixadós
@ericfriedman Thank you Eric!