Bruiet François- P

Evergig - The easiest way to edit video ever

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Bruiet François- P
Hello Cole and thanks :). If the concept is the same, the uses are quite different with Evergig. Evergig works with both statics and moving devices. Furthermore, our AI allows the user to create smart & exciting synchronised multi-angle videos. To deliver the best experience for its users (with one or a few devices) our algorithms sync the audio, select the best angles by detecting faces & tracking motions, and finally delete undesirable images (be they blurred, over exposed or too dark). Once the editing’s done, the user can choose from three recaps with specific caracteristics: The first one puts the emphasis on device movements and the motions of the video’s subjects. The second one brings out the moments when voices are detected. The last one evenly uses motion and voice parameters to create the best balance between the two. Finally all the recaps can be downloaded in HD, and the user fully owns them. Feel free to contact us via Twitter if you want to have further information :)
Cole Mercer
Nice. How does this compare to Shred Video?
Hal Gottfried
I went to go looking once more at this to give it a full test and it seems they are gone.
Ben Tossell
@fpiiibrt can you tell us the story behind evergig :)
Jason Cutler
The link is dead… it takes you various dodgy sites.