We originally built ETA to help drivers navigate their local area. More often than not you don’t need directions to get to places like the shops, gym, work etc. you just need to know what the traffic is doing. This update simplifies the process further through the addition of coloured beacons showing whether traffic is good, slow or heavy. Also included in this update is an app for Apple Watch.
Our focus here was getting this info into a fast snappy app for your wrist. Love to hear what you all think of the update or the app in general. Finally, a little gift from us to the community.
The first 20 people that follow this link will redeem a free copy (http://tokn.co/campaign/ymph3wxy). If you manage to redeem a copy please do take a sec to leave some feedback below.
@anthonyharrison Very nice app, congrats on the visual design. It only shows what you need to see at the time, nothing to distract me while I'm driving. I've been using ETA for about a year and use it for all my roadtrips. It's great for letting my wife know when I left somewhere and when I'm due. I especially like how you pre-fill the text messages so I don't have take my eyes off the road to type.
Though, as for me, Apple Maps are not 100% precise in Moscow, Russia, I still like the update and the idea in common. Sorry, I have no real feedback on Apple Watch version(( but iOS version looks really good and clean.