Gulier Jauthien

Epoch — Track periods of time that matters to you

Epoch is an app to enter and track periods that are important to you.
Your relationship's age? A baby coming? Your thirties? A project? Anything.
Get notified when "Epochs" are moving on and make sure to not let this time fly too fast
Oh and, no tracking!

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Jackson Manisha
This is something interesting!
Gulier Jauthien
Hey Jackson, thanks for your comment! May I ask you which part did you find interesting? The beginning of an usable idea or something else? Thanks
Anjali Sharma
I like the fact that this product has tried to be anything to anyone! Great work team :))
Gulier Jauthien
Thanks a lot for your feedback Anjali!
Clark Cindy
Nice for time trackers addicted !
Gulier Jauthien
Thanks Cindy!