Uday Singh

Epigrammar - NLP-assisted grading to help teachers work like tutors


Epigrammar is a tool to help instructors provide personalized feedback, so a large class can feel like a small tutorial without requiring any extra time or effort.

πŸ“ Collect assignments

πŸ“ Mark up submissions

πŸ€– Use natural language processing to identify common feedback given to students

Write your best feedback anywhere, and reuse everywhere!

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Uday Singh
Hey PH! We’re a couple of hackers (@kwasimodope) and a teacher (@michael_mackay trying to #conquertheword. @michael_mackay, one of my best friends from high school, has taught in both public and private schools for years, but he had a problem: the technique for providing feedback in small schools broke as schools scaled in size. Feedback that instructors give is one of the most important parts of teaching but also the hardest. With increasing class sizes, it has become nearly impossible to give effective feedback at scale. As @michael_mackay knows: you finish grading one assignment, move onto another, and have a dΓ©jΓ  vu moment: you realize that this student is making similar mistakes! If you could keep your feedback and reuse it intelligently, you could get your time back, and now, you can: On Epigrammar, instructors upload resources (e.g. primary sources, slideshows, rubrics, textbooks, etc.) and collect assignments (e.g. homework, papers, pop quizzes, tests, etc.). 1. Students submit an assignment in any file format for their instructors to grade. 2. As instructors grade, we let them annotate any document and repurpose previous pertinent points so they can write a thoughtful point of feedback once... and reuse it anywhere. 3. Finally, we look let teachers sort their prior feedback by similarity using our clustering model so they can easily prepare report cards, notes for a parent-teacher conference, or points for a faculty meeting instantly. If you teach (or know someone who teaches), we’re also fishing for feedback ourselves and happy to help you give feedback, too πŸ™Œ Uday, Michael, and Kwasi
Uday Singh
@kwasimodope @michael_mackay @jamesstewart Hey James! Great question! We're focused on trying to build a product teachers love first. We know giving individual feedback is hard the bigger your class gets, so we're really focused on making sure we crack that problem for teachers first. We want teachers to be able to use Epigrammar in their classroom immediately! We do also offer plans for schools and currently have a few pilots set to begin. Schools get the benefit of looking at all the data Epigrammar collects to see what methods work (whether its in how your class discusses files or how you give feedback to students) to improve how they teach!
Saad Kamal
Love the concept. Report card feature is pretty cool! Are you working with any schools currently?
Uday Singh
@todaylyapp hey Saad! Thanka for the support and great question! We just started working with a few schools in the north east as well as a few schools outside the country. We’ve seen success working across the American, British, AP, IB, and now Indian system of education as providing feedback is the corner stone of teaching and having insight into how you and your class works can give you insights you may have never had as well as save you time you wish you had! By focusing on helping you grade first, and grade anything with the similar ease of having a pen which remembers how you give feedback on similar assignments, we can get better over time at helping you draft reports.