Find your new signature cocktail by clicking on up to three ingredients that you’d like to use in your next drink. Have a bottle of gin and a lemon? Some whiskey and sweet vermouth? Explore cocktail recipes for that and every other combination!
Brilliant. I often find myself craving something with Dry Vermouth, for example, and then try to run through all of the cocktails I could make. This makes that discovery so much easier.
Also, such a smart way to reorganize existing content to make it more palatable (no pun intended). I imagine someone could create a startup for the purpose of helping publishers create things like this. It would be like today's version of an infographic creation agency.
Nice find, @chrismessina!
Hmm, energy drinks, huh? My favorite is Red Bull, it's an excellent drink, but I have stopped because I don't want any health issues in the future. But I found an alternative drink for it. It's a cocktail for sure. My favorite one is London lemonade. I don't consume it so often, maybe one or two times per week. Also, the cucumber mint cooler it's a good one. It would be best if you gave it a try. If someone is interested in cocktails and doesn't know what he should try, maybe this website would be beneficial for you.