Meet your new blockchain wallet.
Impenetrable, feature-packed, and convenient—built for traders, hodlers, and gamers.
Been using this wallet since release and its great all round. Imported old paper wallets, mew, coinomi etc all into this one wallet.
It allows for flexible options when transacting, without the convoluted process of trying to maintain a secure private key.
I am a huge fan of the enjin project and I guess a big part of my excitement about this wallet is that it will soon be the only one with game items support. Very soon you'll be able able to keep erc1155 items in here, meaning for the first time we can actually own and keep in game items. It will also act a an authentication tool for all your game accounts, 6 games announced so far, and I predict an explosion in support.
But for the general crypto holder/trader who isn't interested in games, this wallet is top shelf material. Your private keys are encrypted at the first layer of hardware on your device and only accessible by you, no third party, meaning extremely high security and I wouldn't trust anything less.
Support for other coins has been announced and I believe they'll be adding more once they finish working on game item support and their enjinx blockchain explorer, both of which are incredible developments in the crypto sphere.
Secure, clean ui, Ad-free, multiple wallets, only YOU have private key, fingerprint access, advanced transact options, erc1155 support soon.
Cons:Needs a dark 'night mode' for me, would be the icing on the cake.
This is just an amazing product. It looks good and works good. It's crazy fast, and with upcoming wallet updates it will be only better. It's the most secure wallet out there. Everyone should definitely try it.
Pros:Secure, fast and very easy to use.
Cons:You can hold there only BTC, LTCand ERC20. There is no color themes. Can't think anything else.
Enjin team had promised to release a 3rd party security audit of the wallet more than 6 months ago. But they haven't released anything so far. We're just supposed to take their word for it. Shouting "da must sekyur wallut" in crappy russian accent does not make it so.
Also, keep in mind that this is a closed source wallet. They'll need to release security audit of the wallet for every update, along with a checksum for the apk file. Otherwise, your funds could be at complete risk if there's a malicious update.
There are better offerings from Binance and Coinbase. Both open source. Until this wallet becomes open source, I'd look elsewhere.
Pros:Looks like a decent wallet
Cons:Closed source, no security audit
Very impressive wallet offering when compared with the competition. Team are active and continue to add features to the wallet, which is already ahead of the curve. Excited to see their greater vision realised of not only a wallet but a comprehensive digital assest ecosystem.
Pros:Fast, secure, no ads, supports many coin, updated regularly
Cons:Waiting for greater coin support and FIAT to Eth on ramp integration
Enjin Crypto wallet supports BTC, ETH, LTC, ENJ and ERC20 ERC721 ERC1155 tokens-very helpfull with more and more ERC721 ERC1155 collectibles that will come. It works smooth, fast and really secure. Also the support is very helpful.
I am happy with Enjin Wallet.
Pros:Great user friendly smart UI, hardware-like secure blockchain wallet,
true game collectible support and more...
Cons:Hmmm...nothing, maybe more Coins and tokens-but it is in permanent evolution.
Enjin delivered an excellent product and is always improving it. I really like this wallet.
Pros:Most secure, friendly UI, multiple currencies and wallets, no ads, fast
I love the Enjin Wallet. I would keep my vital organs in my Enjin Wallet if possible. It Looks Good. It Feels Like Velvet. It Smells Divine.
Pros:Super secure, fast, slick, delicious, exciting, sexy? Secure. Great UX. Fast, Really Good
Cons:Too fast? Possibly too secure.
Enjin wallet is the best mobile wallet I've used by far. The team makes sure security comes first and incorporates an easy to use interface. The fact that you can watch multiple wallets/addresses without any slow downs in functionality is top notch!
Pros:Secure, fast and looks awesome
They keep upgrading it's capability. A must have for any Crypto or video game enthusiast!s
Pros:The easiest and most safe wallet!
Cons:None, works