Here's the E-commerce ROI calculator; check out how much extra revenue you can rake in using browser push notifications.
Fancy a detailed explanation?
Let's imagine you run a fictitious E commerce company with a healthy website traffic of 11 million users, a fairly accurate consideration. Now, here's the breakdown based on the numbers crunched (pertaining to the industry standards) by Vizury's in-house marketers for this prototype.
1. In general, only 3 to 5 % of visitors to your home page go on to make a purchase. This is where browser push notifications make a real contribution, by reaching out to old as well as potential customers and informing them of extremely personalized offers.
2. With a subscription (opt-in) rate of 25%, that's nearly 2.8 million of your total visitors who are going to receive useful and relevant browser push notifications from your website. Setting the tolerance threshold of an average user to browser push notifications as 5 per month, that's 14 million you should be able to send every month without running the slightest risk of annoying your users in the slightest.
3. At a 7% click through rate, this guarantees an extra 1 million visits to your website every month. Now here's the best part. The typical conversion rate for a marketing channel is about 2-3%, but browser push notifications guarantee double that.i.e a 5% conversion rate. This means that you're looking at an additional 49,000 orders on the back of these notifications.
4. Setting the approximate price of a single order at anywhere between 60 to 150 dollars (depending on where your store ranks among top E commerce sites), you should be able to rake in an extra 2.34 to 7.35 million dollars.
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