
Egg Timer App Book - Land a job and land it soon


When your job application is just one of many, standing out is key. This book will show you the strategies to make sure you get noticed! I have helped friends do this in record time, and for now it is free. My way of giving back. https://youtu.be/pqYah0s1Dng

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Hi all! I am Emin, and I have been a developer for 5years and a UX designer for over 15 years now. During my professional career I was both interviewed and been an interviewer, and I can tell you that LARGE majority of applicants fails to present themselves in a good light. My experience as an interviewee on the other end, was extremely positive. So much so that I never actually missed to get a callback for a position I applied to. Am I that good of a dev? Hell no. I just happen to know what interviewers like to focus on and how to remove friction to allow you to get that first callback immediately. When your job application is just one of many, standing out is key. This book will show you the strategies to make sure you get noticed! The book costs $5.99 usually, but until Sunday it is 100% free. 🙌 Hope you like it!