Mike Bronfman

AWS Device Farm - Test your app on real devices in the cloud.


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Arthur Swiniarski
Hi @mikebronfman, this looks like a great tool ! Do you know how it actually works? Is it on actual physical devices? Simulated? Best, Arthur
Rick Turoczy
@aswiniarski My understanding is that it's actual physical devices. Not emulations.
Robert J Samson
@aswiniarski yup - it is physical devices. During the keynote they mentioned that they've got 1,000's of them racked.
Arthur Swiniarski
@rjsamson @turoczy Thanks for the answers :) seems it is on real devices yes ! http://techcrunch.com/2015/07/09...
Mike Bronfman
This product is powerful. It allows users to test on the same devices their customers use, simulate real-world environments, and much much more. The AWS Device Farm is a great tool for any app developer interested in supporting/optimizing for a wider range of devices.
Jordan Melnick
If Droid, why no iOS?
Ross Beale
@beachedmiami vested interest I guess? Though, I would love this for iOS.
@beachedmiami Fragmentation is less of a problem with iOS. Not to mention sideloading apps on iOS is a lot harder to do as a cloud service.
Evan Zhou
YES can't wait to try it
Neal Shyam
is there an equivalent (still using real devices) for html5 / webapps?
Mike Bronfman
@nealrs That's a great question - I can't answer that until this product officially "opens its doors".
@nealrs then you can try Testin, which is also an app testing service in the cloud,https://www.testin.net/
Much needed for Android with the many devices
Rick Turoczy
Oh good. Now I can suggest makers. http://siliconflorist.com/2015/0...
Nicki Romero
This is really a good device i used for myself and recommend to all, it helped me alot and i am very proud for the results.But since i've started to build my own farm for my calves i dont have much time to spend for all my devices. It would be a pleasure for me if you guys will express your opinion about this calf housing sheds which my friend provided me, hope you will give me an answer asap.