Ruben Dua

Dubb AMPLIFY - video 4 #blacklivesmatter - Support #blacklivesmatter by sending 1:1 videos to leaders

To support #blacklivesmatter and and equality for all, Dubb, a video software company, built a platform to allow YOU to record and share a 1:1 video message with people of influence, including community leaders, local politicians and even the U.S. President

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Ruben Dua
As the world comes to grips with the startling inequities of historic and systemic oppression, I, and the rest of the Dubb team, refuse to sit on the sidelines as protestors put their lives on the line to make their voices heard. Today, the power of political pressure is more potent than ever in enacting real change. Which is why we want to help amplify those voices louder than ever. Dubb Amplify is a free video messaging tool that allows you to send personalized videos to a curated list of local and national politicians and people of influence. Whether you want to put pressure on a politician to effect change or send a message of gratitude, Dubb Amplify connects you to directly to the people in power to give your voice the power it deserves. If you’re ready to make your voice heard, record and share your video on Dubb Amplify. Send your personalized message to a person of influence at
Russ Johns
Let's be the change we wish to see and I love that you're working to #makeitmatter @ruben_dua Gratitude
Laura Huber
This is exactly what the world needs, (not just for right now): but for an ongoing effort to the very fabrics of society.
Shannon Leonard
@laura_huber Thanks Laura, totally agree. Onward and upward!
Ruben Dua
@laura_huber Expression comes in different forms. We're glad we can offer one solution at least. Thanks for the support.
Ruben Dua
Please note! We are also launching our Dubb CRM campaign on Product Hunt today (June 12, 2020)
Cher Jones
Love this Ruben! This is awesome :)
Shannon Leonard
@itscherjones πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
Ruben Dua
@itscherjones THANK YOU! You are a true inspiration to the community. I can't wait for the next time I see you in my LinkedIn feed.
Fred L Jones
Way to go Dubb! Love the new features!
Shannon Leonard
@fred_l_jones Thanks Fred! Means so much to hear!
Javed Iqbal
love Dubb. One of the best video platform in the market
Adriel Yapana
Dubb is transforming businesses and lives. Keep up the great work guys!
Ruben Dua
@adriel_yapana1 Thanks for the note of compassion and inspiration.
Todd Bowser
This is a fantastic idea!! I do want to point out that just by glancing at the names that i noticed quite a few mistakes. Nathan Deal is not the governor of Georgia, He is also not the governor of Wyoming. The governors for New Jersey & Michigan are incorrect as well. Those are only the ones I knew and I'm sure the emails are correct but we don't want people sending a video message specifically intended for Nathan Deal, the governor of Georgia, when in fact it would be going to Brian Kemp who is the current Governor of Georgia :) A small issue, but this product and the reason for it .........OUTSTANDING
Shannon Leonard
@todd6789 Thanks so much Todd! This is great feedback, I've forwarded your notes to the product team. πŸ™Œ Thanks for being in the Dubb community!
Ruben Dua
@todd6789 We just did a round of updates to make sure sure the list was updated with incumbent officers. Thanks!
Elizabeth Harper
There are lots of voices out there, not all walk their talk. I LOVE Dubb and I believe many of us support it not just because it's a wonderful product, but because of you. Thank you for being the amazing leader that you are Ruben.
Shannon Leonard
@elizabetharper Thanks and agreed, so true Elizabeth, huge shout out @ruben_dua and much thanks to the team
Cameron Marcus Kennerly
With so many Americans struggling to find a path forward, I think this is EXACTLY what we need. Change must be codified. Which means we all need to stand up and make our voices heard at the state and local level to get the deep reform and systemic change we need. Cant wait to use this and share it with my followers!
Simon Weiner
Dubb is great and getting better. Looking forward to using this new feature on Environmental issues. Well done Dubb Team.
Juergen Berkessel
Innovative, timely and effective idea @rubendua - promoting this on our SEO Saturdays livestream for podcasters and creators tomorrow. We are a podcast production agency, and I am hearing from several podcasters who are yielding their own shows to BLM artists - and I think this can help. Thanks!
Russ Johns
This is something that can make a difference and a huge positive impact. Let's create a positive message and share it with the community and begin the wave of change #kindnessiscool #smilesarefree #lovemydubb
Jonaed Iqbal
Love how you are adding so many features to Dubb!
Shannon Leonard
@jonaed_iqbal Thanks Jonaed! I know the whole team appreciates the support!!
Sharad Reddy
Too many tools out there suppressing voices, this is a step in the right direction. Good work Ruben!
Venk Tatineni
Fantastic tool !
Quan Nguyen
Really love the concept. I think video messaging is one of the best communication channels out there. I can see how this can be a great tool for marketers to create meaningful messages that can resonate with their customers.
Fran Poteet-Joseph
I love the new features! Ruben from Dubb has helped me grow my online martial arts training website ( The passion he has for new technology allows him to continue to be on the cutting edge. Dubb is very innovative and I highly recommend them!