Chris Messina

Draw Battle - Competitive team drawing game with a frantic final round

Top Hunter

draw battle! is a fun game to play remotely with your friend group or work team. Split up into two teams and see who can draw and guess words the fastest. Competitive enough to cause table flips. Casual enough for everyone!

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Hi all! @rajeev_nayak and I made this team drawing game we hope you enjoy. Try it with your friends and teams! ✏️ The game draw battle puts two teams of 2+ players against each other. Each round, a drawer from each team draws the word while other team members guess. A frantic final round races the teams through the same words (hints of the game salad bowl). ⭐ Fun features • See the other team's drawing (blurred until your team guesses the word) • Winning team drawer stays on but gets handicapped as streak gets longer • Themed word packs (try the 2020 word pack..) 📖 The story During quarantine, we started exploring what a virtual escape room might look like. Although we didn't come up with anything compelling, we were still excited to build something to bring people together while remote. This got us thinking about games. While there are other web drawing games, we didn't find one with that feeling of team competition we enjoy. This led us to prototype draw battle. With playtesting, we added features like the final round (gives the game an exciting closure) and mechanics like handicapping long winning streaks (avoids one person drawing the whole game). Late 2020, we shared draw battle with our friends. The game has since been spreading and we've heard work teams are enjoying it as well 😄 If you like Jackbox-style games, give this a try. An average game is about 15 minutes. We'd love any feedback! 🙏 Thanks @chrismessina for the hunt!
James Quinn
@rajeev_nayak @chrismessina @_paulshen Hi everyone! Super cool game - looks like it would be great for remote teams. My company, Afino, is building a platform that helps remote teams stay social and connected. We have catalogue of different games, events, and activities that people can engage with. If you're interested, we'd love to chat about listing your game on our site. You can check out our website here:
John Smith
Can be usefull for remote team building.
@johnsmi52412940 We think so! Let us know if you try it with your team
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Love this — super cute!
@chrismessina Thanks Chris!
I'm in love, you guys did a really good job! 👏🏻
@bereketsemagn Thanks Bereket!
Jordan King
This is one of the best landing pages I've ever seen for a game! Brilliantly simple, yet the animation illustrates exactly what you can expect while playing. Now if only there were a NSFW version for my Cards Against Humanity crew haha
@jordankingxyz Thanks for the kind words Jordan! We'll be adding more word packs - a CAH-like one would be fun!
Kevin Lin
Love this game, we play it all the time with friends and for team events!
Leanna Zhan
My team loves playing this as a warmup activity before kicking off our virtual meeting! So simple, yet exciting — gets our energy up :)
Simon Blok
Love it! Simple, but really fun game
Jackson Gabbard
Played this with my team mates for virtual team social. So good! The mechanics are really well thought out. Love the final draw down. A+++.
@jackson_gabbard thanks for the kind words Jackson!
Ankit Dhawan
@_paulshen This is great! I am working on a product in this space - we should connect. Love the simple UI and usability.
Sanket Makhija
Great game. Super interesting. I have added a backlink to your game at @_paulshen @rajeev_nayak
Max Kamyshev
Great product! Looking forward to try!
Gabriela Trueba
Love this!!
Dan Zhykol
Really nice, really simple :)
Mohmed Spray
Great work!!
Robert Rochford