@vicky_buddie Hi Bikran- thanks for your feedback. We are a small team extremely focused on giving the best gaming experience on a good connection and the best selection of games out there. As a startup, we have decided on focus on the gaming experience over a flashy website. As you might know, most startups start this way. In fact AirBNB did not even have online payments when it started :) I'd say give it a shot and if you are not happy- we offer full refunds on your subscription :)
@kalppatel98 Hi Kalp- thanks for your feedback. We are figuring out a feasible way to provide a quick 5 minute demo. We are losing money for every free minute we offer and as an early stage startup, we need to figure out a way to make this happen without going bankrupt due to the insane amount of interest we have received from our awesome users. Give it a shot if you are indeed looking for something like this and if you are not happy- we offer full refunds on all subscriptions :)
Hi, are you guys considering the Shadow PC approach? I would like to get a fully operational cloud based desktop experience over GeForce Now type experience.
Honestly this is why I have switched to Shadow from GeForce Now. However, from India I get 150ms to 180ms latency to the Shadow's Amsterdam data center and which hurts the experience.
If Doofy offers a complete desktop experience which I believe would attract customer base who requires powerful pcs for video editing as well. I will happily opt for Doofy from Shadow even if I will be paying more than Shadow.
@buntysamadder Hi - we are looking to launch a beta version of Doofy aiming at users like yourself. Could you email team@doofy.in with the list of applications you would like to be supported on this cloud machine? Thank you
@doofy@doofy_team Hi, thanks for getting back to me, I am looking for a remote gaming PC with complete Windows 10 desktop environment. I just shared the details through chat on your website as well. You can check this video for what I am actually asking for: https://youtu.be/BDyikuCdTKs?t=258
Go to 4:18 if the doesn't take you to that time directly.
I have got to say, even though its little bit on the expensive side... the performance is way better than other services like the gaming project... The only issue is that u get only 250gb of space.. Other than that.. Gpus are strong enough to handle AAA titles.
@new_user_278c1fa0b5 Thanks Aditya. We have just released an update where we have removed all kinds of space limitation. Games will be permanently installed now :)
This company is totally scam after purchasing there 1day pass Im unable to connect there services also there customer support didn't reply yet....more than 15h but no one replying or trying to solve my problem 😠😠
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