🚀 Excited to share DOO with the Product Hunt community! Our AI mates are trained with specialized skills and knowledge to seamlessly integrate and become part of your team.
You can try DOO free for 3 days, and enjoy a 30% lifetime discount with code "PH24" for the first 100 users on ProductHunt!
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Congratulations on the launch! This tool sounds incredibly promising and useful for streamlining hiring processes. Having AI mates expertly trained for seamless collaboration can undoubtedly enhance productivity in the workplace. Great work!
Pumped to introduce DOO to the Product Hunt community. Our AI mates are like handcrafted collaborators, personalized for you — boosting productivity in a unique and tailored way .. let us know what you think!
The mates on the website are one of the most useful and smartest AI generated bots i’ve ever encountered. I use this for academic work, personal development, and most probably in my future growth. I would recommend everyone to at least try it, and you will definitely benefit a lot from it.
Congratulations on the launch! I appreciate how this simplifying the process of hiring AI mates for seamless collaboration! How do you envision DOO revolutionizing workplace productivity?
Keywords AI