Mavic Pro is a foldable mini-drone by DJI that you can take wherever you go! It ensures that you will have a spectacular 4K footage and unique photos by the 12-megapixel camera with Adobe DNG RAW.
Lots of "yay this is cool" comments here, but can anyone compare this to Karma and explain why this is actually (supposedly) better? Karma seemed like overall a better drone, and being able to have drone independent of the camera seems like a huge upside. Besides, you also get a stabilizer stick, which is great in any non-air photography/video. From a lame-man's glance, Karma is still a better choice?
@kirillzubovsky Differences between Mavic and Karma:
- Mavic's flying distance is 4 miles, Karma: 0.62 miles.
- Mavic's flight time is 27 minutes, Karma: 20 minutes.
- Mavic is much smaller and portable than Karma.
- Mavic can track and follow you around, Karma can't.
- You can control Mavic using gestures, so you can film yourself instead of piloting the drone.
- Mavic is easier to use. It has obstacle avoidance to prevent crashes, Karma doesn't.
- DJI has built over 10 drones and Mavic is a mature product. Karma is GoPro's first drone, it is missing many features and will have more teething problems.
- Mavic costs $1,000 and Karma is $1,100 (with camera), but you get a handheld stabilizer with it.
If you need a handheld stabilizer to go with Mavic, you could get DJI OSMO Mobile to stabilize your smart video or DJI OSMO with 4K camera.
@ravishahuja@kirillzubovsky Mavic is the better drone. Karma is a better all around storytelling tool. If I were going on a hike and could only bring Mavic or Karma, I'd pick Karma because of the detachable gimbal and camera (drone footage alone gets boring). But if you already have a second camera or only want a drone, Mavic is a good choice.
As a phantom 3 owner I was stoked about GoPro's Karma, loved the "all in one" package. DJI is counter punching like a seasoned pro. The size is crazy by itself and then you see the features, it's like a mini-phantom 4.
@uphillmma That's def what it feels like, a mini-phantom 4. I have a phantom 4, but it'll be going on eBay and replaced. Portability is my only issue with the phantom, so yeah, take my money DJI.
@stephanehaddad originally I liked the idea of everything in one backpack, the removable gimble (which is still a great idea) but the Mavic outscores it across the board. The features are not even close. The subject tracking and the gestured "drone" mode show how far ahead DJI is in this space.
@bentossell That's true. I was thinking they was more of a "wait and see" product announcement approach to see if they should make any adjustments to the actually product versus their competitor. Product makers will make things in parallel that are similar. Then it becomes a whose 1st too announce, then the other one would to see how the populace reacts (Xbox vs. PlayStation). Similar situation, no?
@ravishahuja hi Ravish, thank you but I'm still no t getting any resolution options, if there is 4K we should get this footage added into the product description
I've always appreciated drones over the years, but was never really at the level of engagement where I was willing to deal with the cost and time to learn how to operate it properly. I know DJI has been working on these easier to use drones packed w/ sensors for awhile now, but with the new form factor, all of a sudden I feel like I HAVE to get one!
I think the state of drones isvery telling in this product video, that the core message has flipped from all the great technical features a drone has, more to the side of "this is what setting you put it on to get X shot". I.E. less about implementation and more about results.
I host a podcast about drones called Commercial Drones FM. This drone is seriously game changing and beats the pants off the GoPro Karma in a myriad of ways. Using it for hobbyist purposes is going to be killer but actual commercial operations (inspection or mapping, using companies like @DroneDeploy's apps on DJI's SDK) are an area where we'll see a lot of Mavic's put in some work now that the FAA's Part 107 rule is active.
I need to hid a couple of these up my sleeves, in case I ever need to blow some people's minds when I fling them out, into the air, shouting, "Fly my pretties!" @djiglobal@bentossell
I've been a fan of Mavics for quite some time. I've flown ever offering DJI has from Matrice down to Spark, but I knew the Mavic Pro Platinum was the next drone buy on my list. For the past 2 months, it has never let me down. Unless you do something utterly stupid while flying sideways, the MPP is almost "uncrashable". I have also gotten nearly 40 minutes of flight time on one battery, and I was previously only flying an Inspire1, so this is a HUGE upgrade for me. If you're new to drones or looking to upgrade, this is a GREAT drone to purchase.
Excellent Battery Life, Super Portable, Very Quiet, Takes Great Video & Photos
Not as stable in 30+ MPH wind as larger drones, gimbal could be better
It has all the features people were complaining that GoPro didn't include, and Casey Niestat commented on Twitter that DJI is going to kill (or could kill) the Karma. Everyone wanted a portable drone, and now they have more options: DJI Mavic, Lilly, and Karma.
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I've been a fan of Mavics for quite some time. I've flown ever offering DJI has from Matrice down to Spark, but I knew the Mavic Pro Platinum was the next drone buy on my list. For the past 2 months, it has never let me down. Unless you do something utterly stupid while flying sideways, the MPP is almost "uncrashable". I have also gotten nearly 40 minutes of flight time on one battery, and I was previously only flying an Inspire1, so this is a HUGE upgrade for me. If you're new to drones or looking to upgrade, this is a GREAT drone to purchase.
Pros:Excellent Battery Life, Super Portable, Very Quiet, Takes Great Video & Photos
Cons:Not as stable in 30+ MPH wind as larger drones, gimbal could be better
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