Kevin William David

Dive - Stop hating meetings


Dive wants you to stop hating meetings. We come with video conferencing, timed agendas, collaborative notes, automated meeting recaps, polls, interactive GIFs & sounds, a built-in suite of games and a lot more, all packed in one app.

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Nitesh Agrawal
Hey Product Hunt, happy to be here! :) Thanks, @kevin for hunting us. Big <3. I've been working remotely for the past 8 years. I love the flexibility that it offers. In fact, I've worked out of 10 different countries and now manage a kid at home. I'm writing this post while sitting in a park and there are actual birds chirping in the background. Itโ€™s so peaceful. But there's something that still sucks. If I had to pick one thing I hate, it'd be meetings. Iโ€™ve done thousands of meetings and I can say that they will always be boring. So much so that after around a decade of virtual meetings, I've yet to encounter someone who says, "another meeting, yay!" Dive evolved with a very interesting journey. During the pandemic, a lot of us felt isolated and bored of staying at home. We tried solving this problem, with a (virtual) social space to host team-building activities. Our customers loved us for that, but we kept feeling that thereโ€™s a bigger problem out there. When we dug deeper, we found one that was yet to be solved. Meetings. Meetings were the problem! Meetings today are often considered a waste of time. They don't move the projects forward. After hundreds of conversations (and my own personal experience), here's why I think people hate meetings: 1. It could've been an email - people are clueless about why theyโ€™re even meeting. 2. Meetings are one-sided monologues. Designed for consumption and NOT collaboration. 3. They get hijacked where one or two people speak for the majority of the time. 4. People tend to go off video/audio because they feel that they have something better to do instead. 4. Meetings go off-track and hence run long and don't end on time. 5. People don't record action items or decisions, making the meeting pointless. 6. Meetings are boring without any soul. That's why we built Dive. So that you no longer have to settle for meetings that donโ€™t work for you or your team. Here's how we solve this: Collaborate over meeting agendas in advance. No agenda, no meeting.โœ… Timed agendas to keep the meeting on track.๐ŸŽฌ Include everyone with team polls, a virtual whiteboard, and dozens of apps.๐ŸŽ‰ Take notes and track action items together.๐Ÿ“” See all your meetings, notes and action items in one place.๐Ÿ“Œ Break the ice and play fun games together during team meetings.โ›ณ Next level breakout rooms to make discussions productive. ๐Ÿ“ฏ Secure and privacy-oriented, you only see meetings that you're a part of. ๐Ÿ” Meeting recaps with notes, and action items sent out on Slack and email. ๐Ÿ’Œ Integrate with Zoom, Outlook, Google Calendar and more. ๐ŸŒ What our customers use us for: weekly Meetings, one-on-ones, sales meetings, town halls, daily standups, brainstorming sessions, sprint planning and sprint retrospective meetings. There are hundreds of use cases. What's coming next: meeting transcripts, meeting analytics, Integrations with MS Teams and Google Meets, Integrations with Asana and Jira, and cloud recordings. So try Dive for your next meeting - we help make every meeting worth your teamโ€™s time. Weโ€™d love to hear what you like about it, what you donโ€™t, and what youโ€™d love to see next! PS: This wouldn't have been possible without our incredible team in the US, India, Canada, Israel, Italy, and Colombia. A special shout-out to each and everyone on the team who made this possible. PPS: Dive is free to get started and we have a free forever plan. We'll offer the first 250 signups 25% off on our Pro Plan!
@kevin @angrezi_ Nice idea ! Unfortunately, the meetings will remain mostly envious of me. Congratulations though, I'm sure it will help others
Al Khan
@kevin @angrezi_ Great idea! This is a game-changer. I love how Dive simplifies the hectic process of meetings. Congrats on the launch!
Paroksh Saxena
@kevin @angrezi_ This is brilliant and super useful product. Congratulations to the team ๐Ÿ‘ Keep up the good work ๐Ÿป
Asim Aashish
My teammates actually interacted for once in the dive meeting, thanks @angrezi_ for all the laughs we had ๐Ÿฅณ
Nitesh Agrawal
haha! Thanks, @asim_aashish. Have you tried Scatterlist yet? That's my fav!
Asim Aashish
@angrezi_ trying it right now, by the way, the gifs are amazing ๐ŸŽ‰
like the simplicity
Nitesh Agrawal
@pradeeb28 Thanks, Deepu! :)
Aniruddha Mahale
As someone who has always hated meetings (everything can be an email), I'm glad that Dive came around and changed my mind. Such a fantastic product!๐Ÿฅฒ
Nitesh Agrawal
@aniruddha_mahale Thanks a lot for the kind words. :)
Arnav Jalan
The GIFs and sounds always put a smile on my face while using Dive. The agenda, integrated apps, and automated meeting minutes then made me addicted to it. Awesome product ๐Ÿš€
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks a lot, @arnav_jalan. The team is working hard to make it awesome for you. :)
Faisal Riyaz
I love that we can take collaborative notes while being in a meeting. No more sharing screen with notes on google docs.
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks, @faisal_riyaz! People actually love the in-built Google Docs Integration. Usually, they would attach a doc to their recurring meeting so that no one has to open the doc separately.
Antonio Autiero
I love this! ๐Ÿ˜ Looks super clean and FINALLY a timer that makes sense. I never like having too many apps open to do one thing, so I always end up not using external timers, or just end up screensharing stuff like Google Docs, whiteboard etc... looks like this is the perfect AIO solution for that! Do you guys have a zoom app or some way of integrating with zoom? Any plans for further integrations?
Nitesh Agrawal
Hi @antonio_autiero! Dive works seamlessly with Zoom. We have a Zoom App that you can install here - We also have integrations with MS Teams and soon we'll be making our integration with Google Meets and Cisco Webex live as well.
Aditya Rao
Super excited for this! :)
Nitesh Agrawal
@adityarao310 Thanks for all the support.
Geffen Posner
We'll be using Dive in our next meeting. Especially looking forward to using the timer feature. Too often we get deep into a topic and lose track of time and that compounds with each additional agenda item. Thanks for sharing Team Dive!
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks, @geffen_posner! Timer helps us as well. IT keeps the meeting on track.
Vishesh Kumar Rathi
Looks clean and clear. I like how I can now have my all the meetings notes at one place and control over my meetings with respect to either completing my meetings on time or if i am going off track during a meeting. Love this Product
Nitesh Agrawal
@vishesh_kumar_rathi Thanks, Vishesh! :)
pratik lodha
As our team is currently remote, Super excited about this! . Will try this is @neodocs
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks, @pratik_lodha! Excited to hear your feedback. :)
N Chamalla
Dive made our meetings fun and purposeful! With all the games, sounds, emojis and agendaโ€™s - I was able to bring in more people to meetings and be present! This is coming from someone who hates being in meetings and have been part of remote teams for 8+ years. Our team has lot of recurring meetings, it would be great to see a history of each meeting so we have accountability and transparency. Would also love a switch to toggle between dark and light mode!
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks, @nagchamalla! This is a great comment. :) We are working on the light mode and meeting history.
Harshit Molabocha
Personally, Given that I have so many meetings, both for internal use + working with customers, Dive feels insane! Tried it a bunch of months ago & got hooked. The ability to add an agenda pre meeting, in the space where I will meet - feels non negotiable now. While we talk about habit change, dive somehow has enabled this change so much. It's Addictive to run planned meetings. Action items that too being shipped right to emails and slack is too good. As someone who always prefers to send MOMs to all, it's a gift! Planned 8 meetings for next week with agendas simply from one place! It's never been easier / smoother. Makers, any plans of having an integration with Google Meet ?
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks, @molabocha :) We're working on Google Meets Integration.
Jeremy Burgess
Having spent an hour with @max_g_satter yesterday to get on board, Dive has the potential to significantly increase our meeting productivity. Although developed with internal meetings in mind it will allow us to make our external client meetings more professional and engaging - and maybe a little bit fun too. Well done team and @angrezi_
Nitesh Agrawal
@max_g_satter @jpgburgess It was so much fun to meet you and learn from you. :) Thanks for all the help and kind words.
Suhas Motwani
Congrats on the launch folks! Love the product :)
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks, @suhasmotwani for supporting us in our early days. Means a lot. :)
Yarden Shaked
this is rly rly cool! i've had this problem a bunch, excited to try it! congrats on the launch team
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks, @yard_shaked ! Looking forward to hearing your feedback and how can we make Dive better for you.
Scott Hanford
I love how much the product has come along @angrezi_ ! You all really take an interesting approach to making meetings more fun and engaging :)
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks for being a great brainstorming partner, @scott_hanford! :)
drew dillon
Congrats on the launch, @angrezi_ and team!
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks for support from the early days, @drewdil!
Erik Torenberg
Congrats Nitesh and team! amazing to see Dive evolve :)
Nitesh Agrawal
Thank you so much for all the support from the start, @eriktorenberg! We couldn't have reached here without your support. Grateful to have your help on our journey.
Duke Natalia
๐Ÿ’ฏ like it
Nitesh Agrawal
Thanks! @duke_natalia :)