Greg Isenberg

Dispatch - Unlimited monthly designs from world class designers

Meet Dispatch - the ultimate design subscription service. Get unlimited monthly design requests for stunning brand decks, product designs, custom illustrations at 1/2 the cost of an in-house designer. Join to start seeing delicious designs today.

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Greg Isenberg
Hey Product Hunt Community! I’m so excited to share with you one of our latest creations here at our holding company Late Checkout: Dispatch! As we explored the design needs of our Fortune 100 and startup clients, we realized that teams face two critical challenges: 💰 Full-time, in-house designers can be prohibitively costly; 🪫 And hiring one person means only getting their area of expertise and very limited capacity.This makes the work suffer So we created Dispatch, the ultimate design subscription service that gives you access to an entire team of widely experienced designers at a fraction of the cost of a single designer. You get a premium team at your fingertips. We will keep the service intentionally small, and boutique. So, will you ring the bell 🛎? Be well, Greg Isenberg
Igor Pavlov
Yes, designers are very costly sometimes and, in the era of Midjourney, which is basically free, the content very quickly becomes boring and overused. We need something in the middle: affordable, really creative and high quality. Very fresh and vibrant samples you have guys (though I needed to scroll down a bit, and maybe show them off on the top of the page?). The 50% price reduction is huge. Amazing.
James Dickerson
This team does amazing designs. Have worked with Late Checkout separately on some other projects and highly recommend. Awesome to see they are opening up access to more folks!
Johan Steneros
Love the website design you have. Very clean.
Greg Isenberg
@jsteneros designed by dispatch
Shikha Pandey
Dispatch offers a cost-effective solution to design needs by providing unlimited monthly design requests for brand decks, product designs, and custom illustrations at half the cost of an in-house designer, making it a highly attractive option for businesses.
Jordan Mix
This looks awesome. Definitely checking this out. So needed
Chantal Despres
Psyched to work alongside these stellar folks to build the future of design teams. Unlocking design capacity, taking brands to the next level, and serving up delicious designs... not a bad way to kickoff a Tuesday!
Amanda Fried
Congrats on the launch! Getting your team's design chops into the hands of businesses on a leaner budget is a huge unlock. Looking forward to trying this out myself one day.
Matti Lainey
Woow, finally ! Seems it aged well & I loved the idea! Looks neat and simple Congrats
Greg Isenberg
@matti_lainey Thanks Matti for the kind words!
Nasyu Kastyu
Can you provide any documentation, tutorials, or other resources for users looking to get started with the product?
Naveen Singh
Dispatch is the ultimate design subscription service offering unlimited monthly design requests for stunning brand decks, product designs, and custom illustrations at an affordable cost, making it an attractive alternative to in-house designers.
Ryan Hoover
Love how you've expanded the Late Checkout ecosystem into multiple targeted brands, @greg_isenberg I have to ask: How "unlimited" is "unlimited"?
Greg Isenberg
Unlimited AF.
web3 Gurung
Hey Greg, congrats on the launch! Have seen you tell us about various products from ai robot account to the boring marketer on twitter! Hope dispatch will be a great venture :)
Daniel Øllgaard
Congrats on the launch, this is a really great idea!
Ekrem Çetinkaya
Congrats on the launch 🚀 It’s a well executed idea and I believe we will be hearing the name Dispatch a lot in upcoming years!
Thiago de Carvalho
Apart from the high ticket price, what do you believe is the difference between Dispatch and similar services such as, ahem, Deer Designer 😉