Frédéric Renken

VR Desktop for Mac - Experience macOS in virtual reality


Bring your desktop into your VR reality. Boost your level of creativity and productivity with this Mac optimized Virtual Reality headset. First of a kind working with MacOS for you entertaining and work!

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Oskar Groth
Hey, thanks for the hunt @fredericrenken! I'm the developer of this app. Let me know if you have any questions!
Frédéric Renken
@oskargroth I hope you don't mind I posted this, it looks awesome! I saw on the website you'll be supporting the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift soon. Is that simply dependent on the manufacturers to support macOS? Also, at what framerate does the headset run with a MacBook Pro doing average desktop work? Thanks and good luck!
@oskargroth This looks awesome! I can touch type so I think I'd be productive even without seeing my input devices. I'm worried about eye fatigue though, have you experienced any issues of the kind?
Mario A Giambanco
@oskargroth @fredericrenken I've been wanting this since Oculus came out - Saw it the other day on - But the site is low on system requirements (other then a Mac). Will it work with an Intel Iris video card (2015 / 16 Macbook Pro 13 inch) or do you need the Discrete chipset?
Ed Holloway
@oskargroth @fredericrenken This looks really cool. Is it mainly targeted at entertainment? How about productivity apps (day to day apps) - does it work well for those too?
Oskar Groth
@edholloway @fredericrenken It's mainly targeted at productivity! The functionality to add virtual screens is really useful for multitasking. When VR headsets gets closer to retina resolutions, there will be no need to buy expensive triple monitor setups for coding/designing/writing/surfing/daytrading etc.
Kunal Bhatia
This is why Apple stopped building their own monitors!
Mario A Giambanco
@kunalslab I hate to be negative, but - no it's not. Oculus was years in development and had numerous delays after the initial kickstarter campaign; it's still an incredibly young market and it's future is no where near set in stone. No one knows why Apple stopped making monitors except Apple. Speculation would say, why not let a monitor making company make your monitors; but it surely is not because Apple is pursuing VR. Even if Apple announced a VR product this year; it's not like laptops would stop coming with monitors anytime soon, it's simply another way of interaction right now; and a very immature one at that.
Kunal Bhatia
@tuxracer precisely. Where's the sarcasm emoji when you need it?! 😏
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
I was about to hunt this until the URL let me know it was a duplicate. Guys, this is HUGE news. #vrdesktop Thank you for hunting this @fredericrenken and thank you for making this, @oskargroth!
@nassaraf @fredericrenken @oskargroth I would not lead with this to sell the concept of VR desktop. I'm getting nauseous just looking at the gif.
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@kur1 #VRdesktop gifs don't have much selection, and was probably created with older technology that might make you nauseous. I would still hope that you could see the genius behind what was built here. @oskargroth @fredericrenken
VR on Intel generic motherboard graphics and that comes on all mac laptops will yield poor quality, so most macs need not apply, Apple sucks! Will give this product a try though. Also wish instead of three monitors, it would have one really wide screen, so to fit final cut with more width.
Mario A Giambanco
@androidlove do you think even for just web development though? I don't need super high res / frame rate to write code - just need to see the windows and not get nauseous haha I'm just looking for more screen space then the 13 has
Oskar Groth
@androidlove This app can hit 75FPS on latest gen integrated MBP GPU's :) But discrete graphics card is recommended!
Mario A Giambanco
@oskargroth @androidlove I found and ordered a DK2 on ebay this morning anyway while waiting for someone to respond - really excited to try this out
Rick Chen
Omg I need this!! But I need a VR headset first..
Roman  Vdovchenko
Next step is VR team viewer for GearVR
Roman  Vdovchenko
@nassaraf Hololense may be, but small FOV stopping me. Vive setup need PC, need TPCast and hard to install and calibrate tracking system
Leo Vogel
Not currently practical. Vive motion controllers aren't a practical input method for computers (at least not currently). And using a keyboard and mouse in VR is difficult as you can't see them. Not to mention that even the best consumer headset, Vive, doesn't have great resolution. You'll quickly get a headache trying to read text. This might be a cool demo, but it's not something I expect to be practical or worth spending a lot of money on. Would be happy to be proven wrong.
Oskar Groth
@theleovogel Keyboard is not that much of an issue if you're a touch-typer. And VR headset resolutions are rapidly improving - Wouldn't be surprised to see 4k headsets pop up this year! This is definitely a concept that will evolve together with VR technology.
Jesper Hessius
Any chances of a PSVR version a la MacMorpheus? (
Ari Vaniderstine
I've had a chance to try this out as Oskar was finishing up development - it's really fun to use and definitely feels like the future!
ʎɐǝs uɐʎɹ
I'd love to give it a try when it's available for the Vive.
Christopher Leach
Does this work with oculus DK2 and it's SDK??
Chuck Kelly
Crashes immediately on load when i try to switch to occulus display mode
Oskar Groth
@chuck_kelly Hi Chuck, did you download and install the Oculus 0.5.1 Runtime from Oculus download website? Will update docs about this!
Sarah A. Downey
Sitting here with my Vive and Daydream like 🤔
Rick Chen
I would love to try this out before buying.. do you have a free trial available?
Tucker Stilley
Here's the deal - I desperately need this - but with awesome eyetracking - which I heard rumored that Oculus is working on implementing. As far I know, only Fove was claiming eye tracking VR headsets previously.. (correct me if I'm wrong) I'm ALS locked-in, except for my eyes! So this product would rock severely for my friends and I
Tym McDowell
Will this app allow me to connect my Oculus Quest to my iMac ? Mid 2011 model, 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 16 GB 1333MHZ DDR3 Memory, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB Graphics card. Thanks.