Chris Sev

DigitalOcean App Platform - A reimagined PaaS (Platform as a Service) for all your apps


Build, deploy, and scale apps quickly using a simple, fully managed solution. Deploy code by simply pointing to a GitHub repo and let App Platform do the heavy lifting of managing the infrastructure, app runtimes and dependencies.

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Chris Sev
I've been waiting for this day since and I joined DigitalOcean last year. Iā€™m really excited to introduce DigitalOcean App Platform! TLDR: We can deploy from GitHub to DigitalOcean with the click of a button now! šŸ˜ The Dream I would love to never have to worry about infrastructure. Code and my customers is all I want to care about. šŸ˜Ø The Problem Deploying a full stack app (backend + database + static frontend) is never simple. āœŒļø DigitalOcean's Solution Deploy and scale apps quickly and easily by simply pointing to your Github repository. - Start with a static frontend - Add a backend + database All with a few clicks! šŸ’™ Let me know what you think!
Thomas Mester
@chrisoncode How does it work if I need an "extra" more than just PHP/Mysql? For example if you cache Laravel with Redis. Do I've a "one click install" or it's not possible with this service and I need to go on your normal VPS product. Thx
Jon Friesen
@chrisoncode @hotgeart Hey Thomas, App Platform allows you to link in your DigitalOcean Managed Databases. This means you can create a MySQL and Redis database which we manage for you and link them to your PHP app in App Platform!
James Futhey
@chrisoncode Congrats on the launch! This looks like a solid offering.
Thomas Mester
@chrisoncode @jonfriesen So If I want a Laravel app on App platform : I've to pay for app platform X$/m + $15/m for mysql and an another +$15/m to cache my laravel apps on Redis ?! That's some expensive cache.
Jon Friesen
@chrisoncode @hotgeart You could always spin up a Redis server on a $5/month droplet
Pierre de Wulf
Congrats! I've been waiting for this for a long time. Is it the product that was born from Nanobox acquisition? Also, do you have a plan for the short future for CI/CD and support of multiple environments pipelines?
Jon Friesen
@pierre_dwf We certainly took a lot of inspiration and leaned on the awesome experience of the nanobox team, but this is largely a completely different architecture. Mutiple environemnt pipelines are on our radar but no timelines are public currently.
Pierre de Wulf
@jonfriesen Thank you very much! So this is not a rebranding of "App Sail"? Could you share what's coming next for this? Are integrated tests coming soon? šŸ˜Š I love DO and I'm really excited about this. Congrats
Jon Friesen
@pierre_dwf It is not a rebranding of App Sail. While we took some inspiration from the App Sail, the App Platform architecture is a complete rewrite. I'm not sure exactly what our CI pipeline integration will look like, we're still figuring that out. That said, you could use GitHub Actions to run tests against your code before triggering the App Platform build. Also thank-you for checking us out! I'm super stoked you're enjoying this!
Pierre de Wulf
@jonfriesen Got it! Thank you. So the App Sail has been cancelled ? Sorry to bother you with this, I'm just trying to understand where this new product will go. Will it be more like Heroku of like Netlify? Or maybe both.
Jon Friesen
@pierre_dwf Correct, App Sail was never launched, App Platform came from that work. No worries! Happy to help, we've been working on this over a year and have been dying to talk about it. In my opinion, App Platform overlaps with both of those.
James Futhey
This looks good! I use Dokku heavily on DigitalOcean. How does the experience compare? Seems like it's just a bit simpler & easier to get started without having to do any routine maintenance. Interface is nice, but it seems like a 50%-350% premium over standard droplet prices.
Jon Friesen
@futhey Hey James, App Platform should handle the bulk of your Dokku experience (though I'm not super familiar on Dokku) it is an easier, lower maintenance way to get started. We support scaling vertically and horizontally, it's merely a couple clicks and you're off to the races. Here's some more info:
James Futhey
@jonfriesen Awesome, I just deployed this without any code changes: https://live-counter-qn78o.ondig... Experience is good -- similar to Heroku. Works out of the box, just a little slow compared to a normal droplet. Looks like this little demo (it does an image transform) is a bit much for 1 virtual CPU. And upgrading to 2 virtual CPUs is $5 -> $150 per month! Those plans might need a bit of tweaking šŸ˜…
Jon Friesen
@futhey Awesome! Glad you got it working and enjoyed the experience. In this case I would recommend going to the pro plan and scaling up a horizontal instance. The 2 cpu plans are dedicated cpus which aren't cheap. That being said, I passed along your feedback and we're going to look into more options!
Jon Friesen
@futhey Hey James, follow up on pricing. The team agreed that we had some gaps that needed to be filled, you will now see new plans: Basic $40/month 4GB RAM & 2 Shared vCPUs Pro $75/month 4GB RAM & 1 Dedicated vCPU We've also increased the vCPU count on the Pro $50/month plan from 1 to 2 vCPUS so it's now: Pro $50/month 4GB RAM & 2 Shared vCPUs
@jonfriesen @futhey can u give more details about ur experience? Especially what exactly do u mean bit much for 1 vCPU? Thanks
Could wordpress work on this platform?
Jon Friesen
@tudoutou While it's possible to host Wordpress we don't recommend it because App instances are ephemeral and so user uploads on the traditional WordPress installations will break. You'd have to customize it to store all of the user uploaded content elsewhere.
@tudoutou @jonfriesen so we dont have access to file system with App instance?
Kamal Nasser
@tudoutou @jonfriesen @prakis You will have access to a local file system, but you should treat it as temporary storage. When deployments happen or containers are replaced the local disk storage will be lost and not recoverable, and will be reset to the initial state for this specific build. Also, if you have multiple running instances of the same app, each instance will get its own separate filesystem. Wordpress relies heavily on the local filesystem and so that makes it hard to run correctly.
Ahmad Awais āš”
Had loads of fun beta testing the DO's App Platform. I believe this to be an excellent offering that makes a lot of sense for the current state of the web community.
Simon Bennett
Can't wait to move bits of over to this!
Jon Friesen
@mrsimonbennett Thanks Simon! Let me know what you think!
Bruno Winck
Long term (happy) customer of @digitalocean, I think this may stick me even longer with them. I was eyeing to try netllify and vercel but is it still necessary?
Chris Sev
@digitalocean @brunowinck Netlify and Vercel are great products. When you want to add a backend API + database to your frontend, you'll have to reach outside of those solutions. This is where App Platform excels; when you want to have a fullstack app
Ivan Sugerman
This looks great! Is there a serverless option on the roadmap?
Jon Friesen
@jivinivan Serverless is definitely something we are interested in offering, though we don't have a public roadmap on this yet.
Loftie Ellis
Is this a heroku competitor? looks awesome
Jon Friesen
@lpellis We support a number of application deployment scenarios some of which are also supported by Heroku. We feel our differentiation lies in the fact that we run on our own infrastructure thereby providing better cost control, as well as the fact that we utilize open source technologies like Kubernetes to bring the power of cloud-native and convenience of PaaS together
Paz Aricha
Looks great, waiting for Elixir support!
Andy Hattemer
@bluzthemes I think you could dockerize your Elixir app and run it with the dockerfile option
So is this going after the Heroku crowd? Am I understanding that right?
Jon Friesen
@mickc79 App Platform definitely overlaps with a lot of Heroku use cases. App Platform runs on DigitalOcean infrastructure so we can be a lot more competitive in pricing.
@jonfriesen Ah of course. Heroku runs on AWS. You know it never occurred to me until just now that DO doesn't run on AWS... or does it?
Jon Friesen
@mickc79 It does not. App Platform runs in DigitalOcean data centers and services. For example, our databases are provided by DO Managed Databases, and our clusters run on DO Kubernetes.
Jon James
This looks great. I'm still uploading PHP files via FileZilla (no joke) but upvoted anyway as it looks awesome. One day I will catch up to the rest of you guys
Kishore Sahoo
Looks cool. Does it provide API also? @chrisoncode
Jon Friesen
@chrisoncode @kish2011_ (I'm not Chris) but I can answer your question! API docs can be found here: https://developers.digitalocean.... We also have a App Platform integrated with our `doctl` tool:
Mariano Pardo
It looks amazing, congrats šŸ™Œ I will give it a try, I currently have multiple Dockerfiles in my repo and I start everything with docker-compose: Nginx, MongoDB, Redis and a set of micro-services, it's critical for me to have a private network and only certain services exposed. Are use-cases like this supported or the product is intended for monolithic apps? It would be great if you could provide OpenAPI/Swagger specs for your APIs. DO seems to be the only large provider without any kind of API standard.
Kamal Nasser
@marian2js Thanks, Mariano! Internal services is something that is on the roadmap and it should hopefully be coming soon. An OpenAPI spec is in the works as well so keep an eye out for that :)
Very excited. Always loved D.O. but on my personal projects it never quite made sense to deal with infrastructure by myself, so I used others like Heroku and Render. I'll try this out on my next project.
Lucio Ricardo Montero Valenzuela
Is it suitable for django/sqlite?
Jon Friesen
@new_user_44e108c8dd Django yes! sqlite no, the filesystem that the apps are deployed in is a container which is ephemeral. We offer MySQL and Postgres managed databases which should be used instead (or bring your own DB)!
Denys Hriaznov
Looks promising!
Martin Smit
Looks great, just need a node in South Africa like AWS
Anthony Lee
This is brilliant.