Charlie Irish

DevTube - A hub for developer videos.


Enjoy the best technical videos and share it with friends, colleagues, and the world.

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Todd Levy
I worked for the .TUBE gTLD for over a year and this is really one of the best examples I've seen of how to use the .TUBE extension. Really well executed and nice use of Algolia too. Small suggestion... if you had "human readable" URLs there'd be a little bit of an SEO benefit for you. BEFORE AFTER If anyone else has ideas for .TUBE sites, you can get them going quickly and easily on WordPress with the .TUBE theme and video curator plugin...
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Cool idea — can't imagine how long that logo will persist though... waiting for YouTube's lawyers to send a C&D! 😂
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@chrismessina My friend lawyer said we are not violating anything (different colors, different name, the font is open – Roboto). But I am ready to sell my old Volvo 40 to cover legal expenses :D
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@eduardsi more power to you! 💪🏻 😅
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@chrismessina and you, bro. Stay in touch!
nice! do you happen to have written an article for the "behind the scenes" of that project?
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@goofernator1 Hi Ted! Thanks for the idea, it'll do this one day. Now we're fighting with unexpected popularity :D
Very useful hub of dev videos, thanks.
Andre Christoga Pramaditya
what's your business model?
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@caxvis It's an ad-free open-source non-profit.
Emin Aliyev
I liked idea and very useful.
Rahul Rangnekar
I like this and could see myself spending lunch just watching a different talk each day! Another feature request -- the option to sort/filter by date recorded. Newer videos with more relevant technology is what should be shown first, I believe.
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@rahrang just added date filtering. Thanks for raising this!
Cory Zue



watched two videos and enjoyed them both!


annoying that everything is embedded. would prefer an easier way to jump straight to youtube.

💫 Eduards Sizovs
Hey Cory! Any reasons why you want to jump straight to YouTube? Feedback wanted!
Cam Burley
This is great -- glad someone made it a reality!
Looks good, but where russian language and favicon?
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@muhamed_zhaksylik Favicons coming soon today. Russian languages won't be added near soon, but Russian videos can be contributed:
Frank Meeuwsen
What a great resource and great idea. I see the code is up on Github. How do you feel about reusing this for other curated projects like music, hobby or otherwise?
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@frankmeeuwsen Hi Frank. Indeed, this is something to think about.
lior redlus
At first glance the ALL CAPITAL fonts make the interface feel very loaded and hard to read. Like the idea, will scout later to see which content fits me. Great project!
Dennis Beatty
This looks awesome! I like the domain, and you've got a ton of great content already. The one thing I would love to see would be the ability to comment on videos. If you want to avoid using a backend, you could probably use Disqus to set that up, but if you wanted to get really interesting, it could be awesome to be able to comment at certain times on the video so that the comment would show up at the time and I could feel like I was getting live commentary from other users throughout the video. Either way, awesome project. I just shared it with my whole engineering team.
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@dnsbty Hi Dennis. Thanks for raising this. Work in progress:
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@dnsbty Comments have been implemented. Enjoy!
Filip Alimpic
There so much space for this app to grow. Developers usually do not have time to browse through the Internet for some simple tip, and on this app they can find it as fast as they would like..
💫 Eduards Sizovs
@filipalimpic Thanks, Filip. Please let me now if you have any ideas how the product can be improved. – Ed
Balachandar M

how ever, why there is a need for this? i can still use youtube and do my search right?


Love the focused place for techies.


need an app.

💫 Eduards Sizovs
Hey! Thanks for the feedback. On YouTube, when you look for "Swift", you will find songs of a beautiful singer Taylor Swift 🥁🎶. DevTube has only content relevant to us – developers. There is also functionality that is missing on YouTube – RSS feeds, for example. App is coming soon.