Tom Masiero

Spec. - The best podcasts for designers & developers


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Brian Lovin
Glad to see Spec on here :) @uberbryn @jcutrell and I have been planning Spec for a while now and it's great to have it in the wild. We want to build a truly great resource for designers and developers; the two podcasts we have now are just the beginning. More shows + content coming soon, but also happy to answer any questions here on PH!
Tom Masiero
@brian_lovin what makes your podcasts special? Why have you learned since you started?
Jonathan Cutrell
@blendahtom Of course, @brian_lovin's answers are killer. Things I've learned: 1. Quality/value isn't determined by the length of a podcast, and in fact, challenging your intuitions often lead down a good path towards discovering a niche. 2. Most critics are quiet. 3. There's a lot of podcasts out there. If you rely on guests/big names for viability, you're only as valuable as the people you can pull. If you build your own voice and authority, people come back for *you*, too. 4. Consistency is key to success in many fields - including podcasting. There's a lot more than 4 things, but those are the first ones at the top of my head.
Grant Heimbach
@jcutrell @brian_lovin What's your favorite episodes for Design Details and Developer Tea that you would encourage that people listen to?
Bryn Jackson
Top Product
@grantheimbach @brian_lovin 3 of my fav DD eps: 24: Kevin Rose ( 20: Dustin Senos ( 31: Caleb Davenport & Sam Soffes (
Tom Masiero
Big fan of @Brian_Lovin & team!
Violeta Nedkova
Not be a downer or anything, but there are just 2 podcasts on spec. P.S. Please include
Joost Schuur
@v4violetta I initially misunderstood this was some kind of podcast directory site and thought 2 podcasts was a small start. Since it's a podcast network, the bar is presumably set a lot higher as far as who is listed on the site.
Douglas Crets
Serious question? How does a product / app with only two podcasts curated make it to the front page of this site?
Bryn Jackson
Top Product
@douglascrets It's not curation. It's a podcast network.
Evan Varsamis
pure gold
Brian Lovin
@blendahtom Good one - on the network level, our podcasts are all about helping designers and developers level up, find jobs and be better at their craft. Sometimes this means digging into the nitty-gritty of code concepts or design tools, but often it just means highlighting some of the awesome people in our industry who we can look up to for inspiration. While we're launching with just Developer Tea and Design Details, we have more shows planned and more types of content in the works. In terms of what we've learned - I can't speak much for Spec, since we've just launched this week. And I can't speak much for Developer Tea, as that's @jcutrell's masterpiece. But for @uberbryn and I at Design Details, I think a few things (Bryn might want to correct me or add to this): 1. Our episodes our quite casual and not necessarily an "interview-style" show. We have guests on each week but we try to blend the personal and professional; the design resources with the personal stories. Over time we've found that the more open a guest can be, the better listeners will respond and connect with that person. 2. We initially started with one episode per week and have since ramped to two per week. We also aim for each one to be ~1 hour long as we've found that's close to the upper-bound of most people's time and attention. 3. One of our main focuses is keeping the show's content diverse. This means chatting not only with women, people of color and folks outside of San Francisco, but also it means hosting people from startups, agencies and big companies across all job descriptions. This blending of culture and jobs into one show helps provide a more clear picture of what the design industry can actually be like for designers out there listening.
Mason Wear
I'm always excited to see what @Brian_Lovin has cooked up. This seems like a great resource for designers to as Brian put it, 'level up.' I'm really looking forward to see how Spec progresses!
Kyle Billings
I am a big supporter of Design Details and Developer Tea. Brian, Bryn, and Jonathan undoubtedly have some cool stuff in mind. I'm thrilled to see how this collection grows!
Bryn Jackson
Top Product
Well, that was fast! We're working on a bunch of new shows, bringing on existing shows, and featuring new types of content - all built around helping designers and developers become better at what they do and more connected to the industry. I'm *super* excited to finally have this out there.
Design Details has been my favorite podcast of 2015 (Starting to get into Developer Tea as well). High hopes for this partnership. Keep up the high quality content and we'll keep supporting you!
Guy Gunaratne
Big fan of both shows and evangelised both to the 500 Startups family. I have loved seeing both Jonathan and the Design Details guys grow and greatly look forward to more shows. When you begin looking at video too - give me a shout!