Chloe Nicholls

Desinion - The place to give and get opinions on design.


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Josh Smith
If the founders are here, please change your password max length requirements. There's no real reason to limit the length of a password if you're going to be hashing it anyway. And if I weren't super motivated to sign up, I probably would have dropped off there since 1Password is set to a much higher number of characters for me. That said, this is really interesting. I've been thinking a lot lately about the kind of things that could compete with Dribbble. I'm kind of a Dribbble hater (even though I enjoy perusing it for design inspiration) since its very nature seems to take the context out of why we're designing. These directed questions restore a bit of that context.
Chloe Nicholls
Feedback is one of the greatest gifts you can give! Desinion is a new platform where you can share your opinion and vote for your favourite designs and logos. It's also a great place to discover talented designers! I first heard about it via the London Startups group on Facebook.
Chris Payne
Hi guys, I'm Chris Payne (@chrisypayne) the creator and designer of Desinion. Chloe - thanks for posting us on here. I'm really happy you did. Josh - we will be reviewing the max password length - Thank you for bring this to our attention! We are currently assessing how Desinion goes, before building out a few new and exciting features that we have planned (stay tuned they are really good features for designers and decision makers!).. So far, in the 3 weeks since we launched Desinion things have been amazing! Talented designers and illustrators are getting some really insightful feedback, and statistics on their design concepts.. And design enthusiasts are seemly enjoying offering their valued opinions on design and being part of the design process. We are always open to more feedback on Desinion, as well as suggestions on what you think could make the experience better, also, we are obviously massively appreciative of those who spread the word about Desinion.
Jad Limcaco
I like the concept but the name sounds a little awkward. Hope do you guys pronounce it? :)
Chris Payne
@jadlimcaco Hi Jad, we are pronouncing it 'Des-in-yon' - 'DES' comes from the word DESign, and 'INION' comes from the word opINION.