Chip Heath is a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford, and his brother Dan is a journalist. They have written several business books, but I think this one is their strongest, and unusually good for a business book.
From my notes. this is a short overview:
4 villains of decision-making
1. Avoid narrow framing
- Narrow framing is a tendency to define our choices too narrowly
2. Confirmation bias
- when we want something to be true, we spotlight the things that support it and then draw conclusions from those spotlighted scenes.
3. Short-term emotion
- Being swayed by emotion that will fade
4. Overconfidence
- people think that they know more than they do about how the future will unfold.
solution: wrap
1. Widen your options
- Is there a way to do this AND that?
- How can you expand your set of choices?
- Think about the opportunity costs
- Vanishing options test: What if your current options disappeared? When our options disappear, we are forced to move out spotlights.
2. Reality-test your assumptions
- How can you get outside of your head and collect information that you can trust?
3. Attain distance before deciding
4. Prepare to be wrong
I've found number 1 (widen your options) especially powerful in my life