Really enjoy using this product for the last few months. Saves me time and work. The browser extension makes it easy to choose what data I need and from there on it's 'click and collect'. In case a page doesn't respond as expected I contact the support and they help me with everything I need.
I decided to learn how to collect data from websites and came across this product when searched for tool to help me do that.
Since I had no background in coding at all (Online marketing is my thing) it was important for me that there was no coding needed to use the tool.
I did need to talk to one of the sales people at the company to get a short tutorial on how to use but I recorded the call and I am still using it every time I collect data with them (I am still new to this so doing it slowly for now).
When I did get stuck, I reached to their support and was given help quite fast.
I do have to mention that I don't know if the support is available 24/7 because I am trying not to work at night.
I am currently using the tool to collect data of member of relevant groups from LinkedIn and Facebook in order to create target audience for my clients (I am currently a freelancer).