It's like normal Hacker News, but darker... and easier on the eyes. Dark Hacker News is a simple Dark-Themed Hacker News app for browsing Hacker News stories and comments.
Doesn't work on iOS 13 beta :( very excited to try this though! Currently I have a bookmark to a hackernews URL on my iPhone dock. I'd love to get rid of it
@markmurphy37 Hey just seeing this! Unfortunately it still doesn't work for me, instant crash on launch. iPhone XS running iOS 13 beta 2 (17A5508m). This is happening with some of my other apps so maybe its a problem on my end. Thanks for the follow up though!
Hi everyone! 👋🏼 I'm Murph, the creator of Dark Hacker News. Dark Hacker News is a simple Dark-Themed Hacker News client for browsing Hacker News stories and comments. It's my first published iOS app! 🥳
Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback. Thanks y'all and I hope you enjoy the app!
Current features Include:
Dark theme for easy reading and browsing.
View stories by Trending, Ask HN, and Show HN.
Bookmark your favorite stories with a swipe and come back to them later.
Share interesting stories you find with your friends.
Traverse the comments easily by collapsing them with a simple tap.
Viewed stories turn grey so you know where you've been.
and more to come!
Dark Hacker News
Dark Hacker News
Dark Hacker News