Daily Kiddo lets you share all your kid photos and videos with the people who really want to see every single one. Add a kid, invite your family to the album, and snap away! For them, there's no more waiting for the next update. For you, there's no more complaining from everyone else about clogging up your social media feed!
I like the idea of taking the general cluster concept and focusing on a very specific concept. I tried out cluster for a moment a while back, but couldn't decide which groups/topics to cluster around. This removes that barrier. May give it another try.
@mulligan: Just curious, if this is how I already use Cluster, is there a benefit to me using this app? Is it simply to show people a use case for Cluster by extracting it to it's own app? I guess I'm wondering if there are different features in this than are in Cluster? They look identical (except for colors) from the screen shots.
BTW I love Cluster!
@McCroden Hey Stuart,
This app has a lot of the core components, but will be getting more parent focused features as time goes on. With the beta we're including a posting type called Milestones, where you can post things like first words, first steps, etc.. It's very rough but I'd love your feedback on it.
But if you're using cluster and it's working for you, definitely stick with that!
Protocol Jobs
Baby Snap