The healthy way of work
Mariusz Szyma
Curie — Your personal posture trainer at work

Curie is a personal trainer that will coach you to sit better. It's not about sitting straight all day but taking quick breaks and simple exercises.

I think this will be a good app for Apple Watch 🙂
Mariusz Szyma
@rahulmfg Hi Rahul, yeah would love to do a version in Apple Watch, as I myself I'm using it. Currently we are lacking funding for this so let me know if you see any potential $$$ to get it done ;) Enjoy! Mariusz
404 error when I click the chrome link. Perpetual loading on your site
Ben Novak
What's the difference from OfficeHealth app? ( )
Daniel Williams
Onboarding seems to be down. Product hunt hug of death. D:
Mariusz Szyma
Hello fellow Product Hunters! Curie is on a mission. We see a lack of awareness especially among young people about the dangers of sitting for too long. That was also the main reason why we came up with the idea for Curie. I was sitting the whole day at my job, and after that, I was working on my startup. This lead to serious back issues, without ever knowing what the consequences are and being ever since a healthy and fit guy. Curie wants to help you prevent any health issues by being proactive and more aware of the health risks. As a big fan of the Product Hunt community I would like to give 2 free months of Curie :) to anyone who messages me at Enjoy! Mariusz
Matt Gardner
@curie @donmario Hey there! Shooting you a message. Also I think Product Hunt gave your site the hug of death, you're down right now :(
Mariusz Szyma
Hi everyone. Sorry but I'm closing the app for legal reasons. If anyone wants to buy the product please let me know. If you still want to be healthy at work I suggest to go over my “Stay healthy at work” list on product hunt Best Mario
Joshua Voydik
I love this. Nice work.
Sooraj Chandran
The app is down?
Gabe O'Leary
I like the idea but I doo have an issue with the permissions requested by the extension. Couldn't you use the idle API to accomplish the same thing you describe in your other comments?
Peter Dziedzicz
Great idea Mariusz, this is small but real life problem, especially when you're working long hours. Thank you!
Mariusz Szyma
@pdziedzicz Thanks Peter :) , actually this problem is getting bigger and bigger as we spend more time sitting. Hope that you never will have to face this issue :)
Alexander Serechenko
Chrome Extension link 404 :(
Scott Foster
Cant create account, increased stress level.
Antonio Viggiano
Nice product, but why does your chrome extension need so many permissions? It's scary.
Mariusz Szyma
@aviggiano Hi, access to your browsing history is necessary because Curie can based on that identify if you're browsing the web and are not idle. If you're not browsing the app recognises that and starts automatically a break. Is basically for break tracking without you needing to press a button :)
Antonio Viggiano
@donmario Hey. Thank you for the prompt response. I see what you mean, but I'd rather it to only ask for Notifications permissions and to use an alternate method to check if I am not idle. Or even ignore that feature and just assume I am working. Personally, I will only use this extension when I am actively working (as I work from home), so I am fine by just pressing a "start/stop" button, especially if that means reducing the number of requested permissions.
Dany Marrache
Does it work for someone? It cannot even open the register page...
Curie Kim
Hello! What's the story behind the name? haha
Christian Jensen
Would love to try it but it seems the site is down, so I can't register
Stefano Pisoni
Guys! Super cool idea, I was looking for something like Curie from different time! Good job! :)
Mariusz Szyma
@stefano_pisoni Thank you :)
Peter Bauer
Hello. Cool idea. But wha can curie read my browsing history and manage my apps?
Fernando Fernández

At first I thought it was my workplace network that wouldn't allow it to work, but I've tried in different places and the app just wont work.


Sounds great!


Cant get it to work on my Chorme

Mariusz Szyma
Hi Fernando, I'm sorry but we are having technical difficulties, we will post an update once it's live again.
Adrian Carolli
@donmario Any update on fixing this?