Tekeste Kidanu

Cuckoo - A productivity timer for remote teams.


Cuckoo is a productivity timer for remote teams.

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Renato Carvalho
Thanks @iamtekeste for submitting Cuckoo. It's an honor to be featured on Product Hunt :) Cuckoo was created to help distributed teams to be productive. We were using tomatoist before that and it was a great inspiration for us, but since it was gone, we couldn't find another tool to help us. So we created Cuckoo, our goal is to create a beautiful, easy and fun tool to help you and your team to be productive. Cuckoo was designed and developed during a hackathon at @startaeteam where all the team was part of its creation. Since then, we didn't stop to evolve Cuckoo, there's a Slack integration coming up, a Mac application open for beta testers and also an iOS app on the backlog. I'm one of the co-creators of @cuckooteam and I'd be happy to answer all your questions!
William Kurosawa
It's useful even to use alone! It's been a great replacement for my PomodoroApp on Mac. Also, the best "Break Time" Messages. (except for one that encouraged me to call my ex.. haha)
Tekeste Kidanu
Beautifully designed timer app for remote workers. Create a link and share it with your remote team.
Alexandre Ferrari
Very well made tool! Really appreciate the UX design. So useful for our remote team to put everyone easily at the same process.