Niv Dror

Ctrl-Walt-Delete - Steve Jobs the man, the myth, the movie - Walt compares his time with Steve Jobs to the Sorkin movie.


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Niv Dror
Podcast Description "In what might be Walt’s first ever movie review he writes about the new Steve Jobs film, and he and Nilay chat about how screenwriter Aaron Sorkin’s artistic liberties are flawed, and how the movie completely missed Jobs’ humanity."
Niv Dror
Niv Dror
Listening to this episode with @WaltMossberg really have me a different outlook for the movie. Overall it's a great movie with a very unique format (3-act play) that Sorkin did pull off -- but the movie should not having been called "Steve Jobs" as it's just not representative of who the man was, and doesn't portray him in the best of light (exaggerates his flaws, doesn't mention how he's changed and the glory days of Apple since the introduction of the iMac).