Make your team’s organization Crystal clear
Joeffrey Arruyer
Crystal — Make your team’s organization crystal clear
Make your team work clear at first sight :
- Working with maps gives everyone in your team a shared view of roles, docs and purpose
- Your homepage won’t let you miss major updates you should know.
- Checking dashboard let you improve the company through data.
Moritz Wallawitsch
I don't see a reason to shy away from using the term network graph and calling it "maps." :) But nice to see more graph interfaces. And lovely ui!
Joeffrey Arruyer
Hey Makers! What a time for us, the Covid19 crisis is forcing us to be more adaptive and creative workers than ever. And at the same time, teams are switching to remote mode all over the world. It can be hard. Today, we just launched This freemium tool helps you to make your Team organization clear at first sight. Roles, activities, purpose and docs all in one place. Whether you work from home or not. A great ally in these times ! 💪 Tons of feedbacks are warmly welcomed :-) Cheers from France 🇫🇷, Do not hesitate to reach me Joe
Marian nicolleti
Nice. I think this could be especially useful for large companies where being an employee can be a bit overwhelming. This would help get a sense of the bigger picture.
Joeffrey Arruyer
@marian_nicolleti You're totally right. On smaller teams, it helps you find docs and infos easily !