Liam Horne

Cryptocup - March Madness for the World Cup (built on Ethereum)


Cryptocup is a World Cup prediction game. It's kind of like March Madness but for the World Cup, where you predict the brackets of the World Cup and then based on your predictions you can win some of the accrued pot. It's also built on Ethereum!

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Federico Goldberg
Hey! I am one of the founders of Cryptocup. Being from Argentina, I was born a soccer fans so decided to build a game predictions for the World Cup. All your predictions (full World Cup) are hold on a token and will earn points during the World Cup. If you get into the top 10%, the Smart Contract will reward you from the Pot. You can also trade your token during the tournament!
Franco Ab
@cryptosoccer hi Federico, congrats on the Dapp this is an awesome idea!! I’m curious as to how the oracle problem is solved here — i.e. where are you getting the scores from? Are they being input manually or pulled automatically from an API? How does it protect against malicious actors? Any fallback protection mechanisms? Thank you and looking forward to using this!
Federico Goldberg
@franco_ab Franco, let me answer your questions 1) We are using Oraclize with APIs from an outsourced company. We are paying them for their service. It is the same company which provides services to newspapers and sports websites 2) We have our contract audited by Coinfabrik.
Tomás Mldr
Great idea !!
Crypto Punga
Already 3 preditction tokens in. Thinking of doing maybe one more
Teófilo Duffau
Im getting a prediction!!
Andres Goldberg
Amazing Dapp combinig two passions, footbal and cryptocurrency. Already have my tokens. Great idea, I hope the pot will be huge.
Martín Nagelberg
Amazing! Im building my token right now
Michel Dahdah
Amazing Dapp!
Julian Alterini
Works amazingly well. It’s nice to see and use the first working products emerging from the blockchain.
Really love the concept! good job guys.
Rahul Kapur
Great Dapp! Especially like the secondary market for golden tickets - excited to see the jackpot grow with ticket trading.
Crypto Punga

Love the idea of a customizable erc721 token


Smart Contract



Great job guys
Everything seems very clear and audited. Love the website
Nice Dapp really

nothing more


Its easy to play


I didnt knew this before

Johnny Sacs

Use my referral ID and we’ll both get 2% back

Overall a cool way to enter a World Cup Bracket Pool.


Great UI and referral fees are available


Devs take a large cut