Benji Brown

Vrumble 2.0 - Livestream your Squad and Game!

Vrumble 2.0 - The app that lets you squad up in a group video chat room, then livestream your crew while playing games like Trivia. You can even rock an audio chat in games like Brawl Stars and Fortnite too!

Watch premium content, user generated shows or record your own squad group chat livestream and game session!

Sparkle ON! ✨

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Benji Brown
Hey all! We are launching Vrumble 2.0! Stoked to see it out in the wild. And we are streaming the Wild and Scenic Film Fest this weekend!! We have a whole new design upgrade from 1.0 - focusing on presenting user generated group chat recorded content and premium content, then you can open up your own video chat room - chill with your friends and play Trivia then live stream it all. The interface is much more seamless and now you can even audio chat while playing games like Brawl Stars or Fortnite with your Vrumble-chat!