Critical thinking site for kids
Stephanie Simoes
Critikid — Critical thinking site for kids
A website with critical thinking videos and activities for kids. We have just launched "Fallacy detectors part 1", a course that teaches children about 10 logical fallacies. In the future, we will release lessons about cognitive biases and formal logic.
Stephanie Simoes
I'm happy to introduce Critikid, a critical thinking site for kids! We've just released "Fallacy Detectors Part 1", a series of 10 short videos with activities that teaches kids about logical fallacies. Logical fallacies are bad arguments or flaws in reasoning. They often come up in conversation and debate. Being able to identify logical fallacies makes us better communicators and gives us the tools to keep conversations on track. This course targets children ages 9-12. We're working on "Fallacy Detectors Part 2" (covering 10 more fallacies!), as well as courses about cognitive biases and formal logic. We are also building a social media simulator to help prepare kids for the fallacy-filled online world. What else would you like to see on a critical thinking site for kids?
Stephanie Simoes
@parul_gautam thank you!
Wow. What a great tool for kids. I love it. My kids are gonna love it. Congratulations on your launch!
Stephanie Simoes
@zeng thank you! I hope your kids enjoy it.
Grace McGrath
Great tool for kids and adults alike in countering this twitter/tiktok/noise-saturated/social media world.
Stephanie Simoes
@grace_mcgrath if parents watch with their kids, maybe they will learn something too!
Grace McGrath
@stephanie_simoes I agree Stephanie! I have already learned a few things from the Critikid videos that I have watched that I wish I knew years ago. My daughter bought Critikid too so her children can learn from it.
Stephanie Simoes
@grace_mcgrath I'm happy to hear that!
Константин Константинопольский
Amazing! Really like the idea with detectors and cartoons! :–)
Igor Grechishkin
Thank you!
Stephanie Simoes
Thanks a lot! We approached it this way because kids learn better through stories :)