Emil Villumsen

How We Crafted Art Magazine - 12 succesful creators share their process in 12 pages each

How We Crafted is an art magazine featuring high quality animation films, illustrators and graphic novels

Go behind the scenes as the creators break down their process so you can learn and get inspired from it.

'The Breadwinner'

'Loving Vincent'

'Song of the Sea'

And other award nominated projects as well as indies.

In-depth articles.

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Congrats on launching @emilvillumsen I'd love to hear more about the curation process - how do you select who is featured?
Emil Villumsen
@abadesi Thank you 🦁 We've selected the artists as a mixture of artists who had massive commercial success, indie projects with a niche audience and one team who has yet to break through. This creates something for everyone; the aspiring animator, the established illustrator, the short film director and the producer :) All in all it's 1) Project type, 2) Craft (animation, illustration, stop motion...), 3) Already featuring on our platform Itsoncraft.com, 4) Got a high quality project that deserves having its process shared for others to learn from!
Larry Zimbler
I love where your going Pivot the name to 144 I say, Also add an s to successful on you short description 👍